thoughts on ashfur?

Comments (3)

Basically all the cats had something happen to them but they got over it after a while but what does ashfur? He keeps a grudge is all dramatic about it and has to make a big deal about being friendzoned! B!tch the cats in this had DEATH of LOVED ONES happen or them but they don't try to hurt cats over it! In fact your lucky! You only got a small unlucky thing! See More But everyone else had the ones they love killed! It's a outrage he was able to go to starclan..

Actually, what happened between Ash and Bramble is very realistic. When mating season comes around, most cats will have one mate and have no other troubles. But some toms will fight over a mate. The losing tom will most likely have a grudge against the winning tom for the rest of his life. If they cross paths, the losing tom will probably fight to the death. See More The winning tom of THAT battle will then take the she-cat as his mate. This is the reason I think that AshXSquirrel is awesome; it's one the only realistic couples in WC.

Well in warrior cats I know it's supposed to be a real thing but eren hunter kinda spiced it up with a little fantasy so that's why realistic stuff isn't really acknowledged in the books but I'm just saying it's not the couple I hate I mean i dont like the couple but ashfur is the main problem....I'm not against you or anything I just personally really don't See More like ashfur he's got some major issues besides bramble and squirrelflight got into a fight so since not a lot of cats were her friends she became FRIENDS with ashfur and wanted them to be just friends instead of mates she makes it clear to everyone more then once and ashfur for some reason doesn't take a hint and refuses to listen and wants to be with her anyways and he's just got alto of problems about him I can't stand.
on December 14, 2014
on December 14, 2014
on December 13, 2014