Do we need a queen and a Prime Minister?

Yes- They both do different jobs and are both important
Yes- They both do different jobs and are both important
2 votes
No- There's no point! They both lead us!
No- There's no point! They both lead us!
1 vote
Maybe- They do both lead us but both jobs are different so maybe!
Maybe- They do both lead us but both jobs are different so maybe!
3 votes
I Don't Know- I can't choose because both sides are equal for me there both correct!
I Don't Know- I can't choose because both sides are equal for me there both correct!
3 votes

Comments (1)

The Queen is nothing but a useless schmuck who does nothing but sucks up the hard earned money of the tax paying people as some sort of economic sponge.
About Author
on November 17, 2018