Do I like you? (Boys only because I'm a girl) I only like my boyfriend so this is to see if maybe I'd like you though... you never know! Let's come on and see! ? IloveCole published on November 06, 2017 Stacked 1/5 How old are you? 1-10 11-18 18-22 23-27 Older 2/5 Is your name Cole? (Be truthful! If you lie you're just a liar! Obviously ? ???? I'm sooooooo named Cole!! Yes No It's Cole English!! Your boyfriend! 3/5 What is my name? Marianna Pendleton Maria Lopez Mary Pendleton Mary English Cole English 4/5 What's your name? Not your boyfriend Random person It doesn't matter! Your friend/boyfriend 5/5 Which is your favorite? Which is cutest or stuff like that. ? ? ❤️ ?