What's Your Travel Personality?

What's Your Travel Personality?

Find out which travel personality best describes you by taking this fun quiz!

published on April 19, 2024

What type of accommodation do you prefer when traveling?

What type of accommodation do you prefer when traveling?
Luxury hotel

How do you like to get around when exploring a new destination?

How do you like to get around when exploring a new destination?
Hiking or trekking
Private car
Public transportation
Walking or biking

What is your ideal vacation activity?

What is your ideal vacation activity?
Trying local cuisine
Thrill-seeking adventure
Spa day
Exploring museums

How do you plan your travel itinerary?

How do you plan your travel itinerary?
Create a customized itinerary
Search for budget deals online
Go with the flow, no plans
Hire a travel agent

What souvenirs do you typically bring back from your trips?

What souvenirs do you typically bring back from your trips?
Adrenaline-packed memories
Unique trinkets from street markets
Designer goods
Local handicrafts

How do you handle unexpected travel challenges?

How do you handle unexpected travel challenges?
Figure it out independently
Embrace the adventure
Call for assistance
Problem-solve on a budget

What motivates you to travel?

What motivates you to travel?
Freedom to wander and discover
Ultimate comfort and relaxation
Seeking adrenaline and excitement
Exploring new places without breaking the bank

How do you approach trying new foods when traveling?

How do you approach trying new foods when traveling?
Eating at local joints recommended by locals
Fine dining only
Sampling cheap street eats
Sampling exotic or daring dishes

What's your must-have item in your travel bag?

What's your must-have item in your travel bag?
Travel-size toiletries
First aid kit and survival gear
Designer luggage
Portable charger and camera

How do you document your travel experiences?

How do you document your travel experiences?
Capture moments with your phone camera
Create epic travel videos for YouTube
Hire a professional photographer
Maintain a travel journal

What type of scenery do you find most appealing when traveling?

What type of scenery do you find most appealing when traveling?
Quaint villages and historical sites
Off-the-beaten-path destinations
5-star beach resorts
Remote wilderness and rugged landscapes