Long-Distance Love Quiz (1) Discover your personality when it comes to navigating long-distance relationships. ghostman published on September 24, 2024 Stacked 1/11 How often do you prefer to communicate with your partner? Once in a while Every day A few times a week 2/11 How do you feel about surprises in a relationship? Prefer routine Depends on the surprise Love them 3/11 How do you handle disagreements with your partner? Need some space first Ignore the issue Talk it out immediately 4/11 How important is physical touch in a relationship for you? Nice to have but not essential Not important at all Extremely important 5/11 What do you do to stay connected with your partner on special occasions? Video call celebration Send gifts or letters Plan a surprise visit 6/11 How do you handle jealousy in a relationship? Trust my partner completely Don't really feel jealous Get jealous easily 7/11 How do you cope with missing your partner? Talk to friends/family about it Stay busy with hobbies Spend time reminiscing about good times together 8/11 What do you think is the key to a successful long-distance relationship? Constant communication Independence and space Trust and loyalty 9/11 How do you feel about planning visits in advance? Love planning ahead Prefer spontaneous visits Neutral about it 10/11 What role does humor play in your relationship? Take things seriously most of the time We laugh together all the time Humor helps us get through tough times 11/11 How do you show your love and appreciation for your partner? Acts of service Quality time together Words of affirmation