how tender are you?

how tender are you?

goths, gays, girls, i know you've been wondering- how tender am i in my day to day life? take this sexy little diddy of a quiz to find out ;)

published on July 11, 2019

how often do you think of h-h-h-h*lding hands.......

All O f the Phucking time,
occasionally............ ;)
whenever i think of holding hands i cannot function . Please help.

ever thought of picking flowers and putting them in your s/o's hair?

Funk . i m going to pass out. this is too much for my soft liddle heart.
i'd eat the flowers i think :/

favorite part of a s'more?

gra ham crackers, babe!
choglate :)
marshed mallowz

so.... i picture it soft & i ache.

ffufuckk..... i Do..... thank you mitski for your beautiful prosewords....
sometimes :) i have a job too you know :)
ffuck you

have you ever filled up pages in your journal just gushin about that good good person in your life?

maybe a little :3
i dont have a journal :/ art is for wimps and i dont feel
absolutely..... :)

what is best?

sex (im horny and cool ) (just kidding sex can be tender too . this is just a funny joke)
h*lding h*nds (uuwuewhuuwheuhuu..... blush)
i cannot fathom any sort of affection without dying (of good things), thanks!
c*ddling (Pfuck. fuvkcvj)
rubbin g your thumb on the back of their hand in small comforting circles to remind them that you are there and everything is okay

so..... you gay? :)

im a hettie :/
yes :)
YES :)

have you ever bbrushed someone's hand before and then imagined the life you two would have togther with pets and breakfasts and a little cottage in the woods and maybe a farm, at least a strawberry patch, and soft good morning kisses every day of your life?

thiis is a callout post please do not @ me! :(
nah (i imagine cool shadow the hedgehog saying this with sunglasses or something)

what utensil do you connect most with emotionally?


sooooooo... predatory wasp .... of the palisades.... is out to get us ....;)

it is isnt it...
WE WERE IN LOVE...................................... PALIISADES PALISDAES I CAN WAIT I CAN WAIT :(