Discover Your Love Language Personality (5)

Find out which love language best defines you! Take this quiz to find out!

published on August 23, 2024

What is most important to you in a relationship?

What is most important to you in a relationship?
Quality time
Words of affirmation
Acts of service
Physical touch

How do you express love to others?

Going on adventures together
Hugging and cuddling
Writing a letter
Cooking a meal

What makes you feel most loved?

Holding hands
Receiving compliments
Helping with chores
Having deep conversations

What do you value most in a friendship?

Encouraging words
Physical presence
Helping each other out
Shared experiences

How do you handle conflicts in a relationship?

Giving hugs and kisses
Spending quality time together
Doing something nice for the other person
Talking it out calmly

When you are feeling down, what helps you feel better?

Reading encouraging messages
Talking to a close friend
Receiving acts of kindness
Physical comfort like hugs

How do you show appreciation to others?

Doing a favor without being asked
Planning a surprise outing
Writing a heartfelt note
Cuddling or holding hands

What gesture makes you feel most loved?

What gesture makes you feel most loved?
Someone doing something for you
Physical intimacy like hugs
Someone making time for you
Hearing kind words

How do you prefer to spend your free time with a partner?

How do you prefer to spend your free time with a partner?
Going out for dinner and having deep conversations
Cuddling up and watching a movie
Doing a project together
Going on long walks and talking

What kind of surprises do you appreciate the most?

What kind of surprises do you appreciate the most?
A planned picnic in the park
Having your chores done for the day
A love letter left on your pillow
A surprise romantic getaway

How do you like to be comforted when upset?

Receiving physical affection like hugs
Someone helping you out practically
Spending quality time together
Listening to comforting words