Discover Your Love Language Personality (5) Find out which love language best defines you! Take this quiz to find out! ghostman published on August 23, 2024 Stacked 1/11 What is most important to you in a relationship? Quality time Words of affirmation Acts of service Physical touch 2/11 How do you express love to others? Going on adventures together Hugging and cuddling Writing a letter Cooking a meal 3/11 What makes you feel most loved? Holding hands Receiving compliments Helping with chores Having deep conversations 4/11 What do you value most in a friendship? Encouraging words Physical presence Helping each other out Shared experiences 5/11 How do you handle conflicts in a relationship? Giving hugs and kisses Spending quality time together Doing something nice for the other person Talking it out calmly 6/11 When you are feeling down, what helps you feel better? Reading encouraging messages Talking to a close friend Receiving acts of kindness Physical comfort like hugs 7/11 How do you show appreciation to others? Doing a favor without being asked Planning a surprise outing Writing a heartfelt note Cuddling or holding hands 8/11 What gesture makes you feel most loved? Someone doing something for you Physical intimacy like hugs Someone making time for you Hearing kind words 9/11 How do you prefer to spend your free time with a partner? Going out for dinner and having deep conversations Cuddling up and watching a movie Doing a project together Going on long walks and talking 10/11 What kind of surprises do you appreciate the most? A planned picnic in the park Having your chores done for the day A love letter left on your pillow A surprise romantic getaway 11/11 How do you like to be comforted when upset? Receiving physical affection like hugs Someone helping you out practically Spending quality time together Listening to comforting words