Werewolf Typology Werewolves are complex creatures who defy simple categorization. Complete this quiz to determine your unique werewolf type and learn more about the special abilities you possess. ghostman published on May 04, 2023 Stacked 1/11 At a party, you would rather... Be the center of attention Covertly survey the comings and goings Hide in a corner to get away from the crowd Impress everyone with helpful advice 2/11 When faced with a difficult problem, you should... Let the problem solve itself in time Weigh each possible solution carefully Research each possible cause and effect Go straight for the most direct solution 3/11 You thrive on the energy of a crowded space... It motivates and energizes you It's overwhelming and you prefer to stay away It gives you a unique vantage point It's an cocktail of useful information 4/11 In a crisis, you look for ways to... Help everyone understand the problem best Gather more information from afar Remove yourself from the situation quietly Take charge and find a swift resolution 5/11 Your focus when presented with an issue is always... Wisdom and past experiences The possibility of retreat and safety Leadership and the power to make changes Collecting and analyzing all the data 6/11 When you need to be alone, you prefer... You are never really alone A place far away from everyone else A spot where you can observe unobserved A safe place to contemplate and reflect 7/11 When painting a picture, you use... Muted colors as a way to play it safe Vivid colors and powerful brushstrokes Soft colors and movements with a message Different hues to better reflect reality 8/11 Your loyalty lies within... Those who have a proven track record of care Those who can put your perspective to use Those who have your back when nobody else does Those that can benefit from your strength 9/11 You are most likely to be found... Aid up to provide assistance Staying away from the crowd In the heart of the action Hiding in the shadows for reconnaissance 10/11 Your go-to comfort food is... Fragile and easily digestible A hot and satisfying dish Something with a hint of healing A dish that can be quickly eaten 11/11 You are most in tune with... The changes and nuances of the physical world The secrets and stories of the people around you The subtleties and hidden corners of the world The energy and momentum of the world