Are You A True Christian? First, take my poll and comment, please! Then, let's see if you are a Christian! new_girl_in_town published on October 08, 2014 Stacked 1/8 Do you believe in Predestination, Free Will, or a mixture of both? (Won't affect your answer unless you answer neither.) *Remind me to blog about that as soon as I finish my current blog series on Changing The World Forever... Free Destination (the mixture of both) Predestination Free Will I'm confused... (It's okay if you are! I promise to clear that up if you ask me to!) None of the above... 2/8 How do you feel about gay marriage? (I'm really curious about this one! If it helps, I have friends who are bi and lesbian... So, I tend to be very compassionate on this subject, no matter how touchie it gets.) I really don't like it, but I'm willing to be compassionate about it... Even if I really don't like it. I hate it! (no further comment, please.) I guess it's okay...? Well, I don't like it, but I know that we're supposed to be loving anyways and all... Whatever... Let the people be! 3/8 Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? Of course! Yeah, I guess. No. 4/8 How often do you get mad at someone over something? Off and on, but I am willing to forgive people for what they do. I get mad, but it doesn't last long because I will forgive them. I might have an issue with anger...? Anger is anger. What's wrong with that? 5/8 Have you noticed I'm asking about controversial issues? Knowing that, how confident do you feel in your answers? (No going back to change your answers.) I feel really confident in my faith, meaning I'm more than confident in my answer! I guess it's gonna be okay. Whatever... I believe what I believe! 6/8 Have you been answering honestly? Yes! As honest as I can, anyways... Maybe, maybe not... 7/8 How often do you go to church? At least once a week. As often as I can. Not a lot to never... 8/8 Sorry it was short, but I'm just trying to get a good idea on where everyone's at. It's okay. Good job! Okay... Okay, that's alright! Got it...