Thinking vs. Feeling Personality Quiz (1)

Discover if you make decisions based on logic or emotions. Take this quiz to find out!

published on July 08, 2024

When making a tough decision, you rely on...

When making a tough decision, you rely on...
Your gut feeling
A mix of both
Logic and reason

In a group setting, you are more likely to...

In a group setting, you are more likely to...
Analyze the situation
Try to find a compromise
Consider everyone's feelings

Your favorite type of movies are...

Thrillers and mysteries
Dramas with complex characters
Romantic comedies

When giving advice to a friend, you tend to...

Provide practical solutions
Offer a balanced perspective
Listen and be empathetic

Your idea of a perfect weekend involves...

A mix of socializing and downtime
Planning and organizing activities
Spending quality time with loved ones

When faced with a conflict, you are more likely to...

Seek to understand both sides
Address the emotional aspects first
Try to find a logical solution

Your approach to new experiences is...

Your approach to new experiences is...
Analyze the pros and cons
Evaluate based on intuition and emotion
Follow your heart

When it comes to expressing yourself, you...

Express your emotions openly
Prefer to be straightforward
Find a balance between logic and emotions

Your favorite way to relax is...

Mixing relaxation with productivity
Indulging in self-care practices
Engaging in a stimulating activity

When facing a difficult situation, your initial reaction is to...

Take a step back and assess the situation from both perspectives
Trust your instincts and emotions
Analyze the problem logically

Your preferred method of communication is...

Your preferred method of communication is...
Direct and concise
Emotionally engaging and empathetic
Balanced, considering both facts and feelings