Thinking vs. Feeling Personality Quiz (1) Discover if you make decisions based on logic or emotions. Take this quiz to find out! ghostman published on July 08, 2024 Stacked 1/11 When making a tough decision, you rely on... Your gut feeling A mix of both Logic and reason 2/11 In a group setting, you are more likely to... Analyze the situation Try to find a compromise Consider everyone's feelings 3/11 Your favorite type of movies are... Thrillers and mysteries Dramas with complex characters Romantic comedies 4/11 When giving advice to a friend, you tend to... Provide practical solutions Offer a balanced perspective Listen and be empathetic 5/11 Your idea of a perfect weekend involves... A mix of socializing and downtime Planning and organizing activities Spending quality time with loved ones 6/11 When faced with a conflict, you are more likely to... Seek to understand both sides Address the emotional aspects first Try to find a logical solution 7/11 Your approach to new experiences is... Analyze the pros and cons Evaluate based on intuition and emotion Follow your heart 8/11 When it comes to expressing yourself, you... Express your emotions openly Prefer to be straightforward Find a balance between logic and emotions 9/11 Your favorite way to relax is... Mixing relaxation with productivity Indulging in self-care practices Engaging in a stimulating activity 10/11 When facing a difficult situation, your initial reaction is to... Take a step back and assess the situation from both perspectives Trust your instincts and emotions Analyze the problem logically 11/11 Your preferred method of communication is... Direct and concise Emotionally engaging and empathetic Balanced, considering both facts and feelings