Mind or Heart: Discover Your Core Unlock the mysteries of your decision-making process: Are you a logical thinker or a passionate feeler? Discover your type. ghostman published on November 01, 2024 Stacked 1/12 How do you handle stress? Talk it out. Offer and seek comfort. Break it down logically. Weigh pros and cons. 2/12 A friend seeks advice. You: Listen with empathy. Provide emotional support. Discuss pros and cons. Present logical options. 3/12 How do you handle conflict? Analyze the facts. Focus on emotional healing. Communicate feelings. Seek logical compromise. 4/12 What drives your decisions? Emotional connection. Balanced viewpoint. Caring for others. Hard evidence. 5/12 When planning a trip, you: Research thoroughly. Ensure everyone's needs are met. Focus on shared experiences. Balance detail and spontaneity. 6/12 Reacting to unexpected changes? Ensure emotional stability. Adapt and mediate. Acknowledge emotions. Stay rational. 7/12 When faced with a challenge, you: Prioritize harmony. Consider feelings. Evaluate logically. Seek balance. 8/12 In your free time, you prefer: Puzzles and strategy games. Caring and volunteering. Social gatherings and events. Balanced activities. 9/12 After a tough day, you: Share with friends. Seek understanding. Reflect logically. Care for yourself and others. 10/12 Your preferred work style? Flexible and adaptable. Structured and organized. Supportive and caring. Collaborative and open. 11/12 Your approach in team decisions: Focus on efficiency. Consider everyone's feelings. Support team's well-being. Aim for consensus. 12/12 Handling criticism? Analyze it objectively. Find a middle ground. Assess emotional impact. Use it for growth.