Which Rick and Morty Character Are You? (2) Find out which distinctive personality from the show you align with the most! ghostman published on June 17, 2024 Stacked 1/12 What is your favorite way to spend your free time? Experimenting with science Watching TV with snacks Exploring new dimensions Crafting a new invention 2/12 Who is your favorite character in the show? Jerry Rick Morty Summer 3/12 What is your approach to problem-solving? Creative brainstorming Logical reasoning Intuition and gut feeling Ask for help from others 4/12 Choose a catchphrase: Let's get schwifty! Wubba lubba dub dub! Doofus Rick! Oh geez... 5/12 What do you value most in a relationship? Support Loyalty Independence Equality 6/12 Which dimension would you most like to visit? Jerryboree Unity's World Fantasy World Cronenberg World 7/12 What is your greatest fear? Being left behind Conformity Losing control Failure 8/12 Which of these traits best describes you? Awkward and naive Confident and ambitious Compassionate and sensitive Genius but arrogant 9/12 Pick a sci-fi gadget to use: Mind-reading Helmet Teleportation Device Portal Gun Interdimensional Cable Box 10/12 What role do you play in a group setting? Mediator Comic relief Leader Follower 11/12 Which planet would you like to live on? Gazorpazorp Earth (C-137) Jerryboree Bird World 12/12 What motivates you the most? Personal growth and success Knowledge and discovery Family and friends Validation and approval