Could we be friends? (4) Heyyy you people. Wanna know if we could be friends.... the take this quiz. Hope you guyz get a yes :) kittey published on February 12, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Do you like music? Duh no music, no life sort of depends yeah, as long as it's not dubstep yeah as long as it's not country 2/5 Are you creative? define creative... not really. yeah drawing, painting, making songs, you name it 3/5 Do you like food? YESH yeah, i like food like any normal person I guess... sorta, not really i'm a picky eater nope sorry 4/5 Are you funny? idk... yeah, that's what they tell me sometimes I could be if you want not really yeah, but it's really dry humor 5/5 Are you weird? Maybe :3 not really... are you? sorta mmm depends