Which Spongebob character are you? (4) Take this test to find out who you are from Spongebob. You might be surprised. kidboy published on January 03, 2014 Stacked 1/7 What do you like to wear? A brown shirt and a red tie Green and purple shorts A brown vest and no trousers 2/7 Your favourte food is Burgers Anything Tea by the fire whilst watching T.V 3/7 What is your fave song IM A GOOFY GOOBER ROCK! Twinkle Twinkle Patrick Star! None of above ( There too noisy ) 4/7 So fave lesson? Boating Lessons! Spanish Class! Clarinet Rehearsal! 5/7 Do you like movies Yes Only when there on T.V Yes, not the Spongebob Movie 6/7 Whats your fave color? Yellow as the Sponge says but I also like Aquamarine Green like my shorts Blue, the color of peace. 7/7 Your best instrument. I dont like theatre Is mayonnaise a instrument? Clarinet