Gabe the dog tribute
For all you Gabe fans here's a page for us. I miss Gabe I'm still crying. I've been crying for an hour. D':
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Whoever can make a video of Gabe borking "build up our machine". DO IT PLOX
on March 14, 2017

on January 29, 2017

on January 29, 2017

Gabe the Dog - Bad Apple
Another Gabe the Dog remix. Original Music: Masayoshi Minoshima ft. nomico - Bad Apple!! Subscribe for more content, or you can follow on: Twitter: https://t...
on January 26, 2017

Midnight city dog
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on January 24, 2017

To those who don't know who Gabe is:

What is Gabe the dog? The History & Origin Of Bork Remixes And Gabe The Dog Memes
What are Bork remixes? Who is Gabe the dog? What kind of dog is he? Gabe the dog has been used online in a variety of ways, becoming a funny meme and creatin...
on January 22, 2017

I heard gabe RP is aloud
Me: AHHHHHHH -stomps- NOT FAIR -99999999.99999 earthquake happens-
Me: AHHHHHHH -stomps- NOT FAIR -99999999.99999 earthquake happens-

Gabe soldiers: *borks in patriotism* Borrrrrk Bork borrrrk the land of borrrrrrrk
on February 25, 2017

on February 09, 2017
on January 22, 2017

*stomps foot like a baby* NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR.
on January 22, 2017

Poor Gabe.
He was the "Greater Dog" to everyone.
He was the "Greater Dog" to everyone.
on January 22, 2017

I'm proud of narwhalzy for those Qfeasters to know Gabe the dog everyone wants
on January 22, 2017
okay but who the hell is gabe

Gabe the dog was a dog that could make music out of his borks, he wasn't meant to be a meme he was supposed to be a musical dog
on January 22, 2017
I think I've heard of him?? regardless though its sad that he died!! 2017 be taking the L already
I think I've heard of him?? regardless though its sad that he died!! 2017 be taking the L already
on January 22, 2017
on January 22, 2017
on January 22, 2017

on January 22, 2017

Gabe we all love you.
We will Bork every song we can ever find.
Oh god my eyes are melting and crying
We will Bork every song we can ever find.
Oh god my eyes are melting and crying
on January 22, 2017