Quote Competitions
Probably around once a week I'll post a prompt for a quote competition! If you made the quote, please remember to tell me, if you didn't just tell me who it was said by (If you don't know put unknown) Some competitons while require you make a picture for your quote, others you can just post a pic if you feel like it. Good luck! Happy posting!
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Not enough entries for me to post results
on November 11, 2014

@TheLightningThief See More
Here are the results!
First Place: @JeweledOwl812
Tie For Second: @CrystalDiamond2323 and @melzzz2000
Third Place: @Greekfrombirthandamobianatheart
Honorable Mention: @jafrinjannat
New Prompt... Drum roll please...
A quote about life. It can be about living life to the fullest, a quote about the mortality of life, anything! Good luck!
@TheLightningThief See More
Here are the results!
First Place: @JeweledOwl812
Tie For Second: @CrystalDiamond2323 and @melzzz2000
Third Place: @Greekfrombirthandamobianatheart
Honorable Mention: @jafrinjannat
New Prompt... Drum roll please...
A quote about life. It can be about living life to the fullest, a quote about the mortality of life, anything! Good luck!
on November 03, 2014

Two more entries, thanks! I just need a few more in order to be able to announce proper results :D
on October 26, 2014

No entries yet?

@melzzz200 OMG I'm so sorry! I'll remember to add you in next time. I'm so sorry!
on October 25, 2014
on October 25, 2014

@TheLightningThief See More
Here are the results!
1st place: @CrystalDiamond
2nd Place: @JeweledOwl812
3rd Place: @KameoRose
HONORABLE MENTION: @Greekfrombirthandamobianatheart
All the entries were great! Thanks everyone for entering, if you didn't win this time you'll probably win next time!!!!!!!!!
The next concept is... A quote about one of your hobbies (Reading, writing, singing, playing an instrument, sports, anything! As long as it's a hobby. Just make sure it's something you love or enjoy, so that the quote is meaningful.)
A picture is preferred but not necessary (extra points for a good picture/quote!)
Good luck!
@TheLightningThief See More
Here are the results!
1st place: @CrystalDiamond
2nd Place: @JeweledOwl812
3rd Place: @KameoRose
HONORABLE MENTION: @Greekfrombirthandamobianatheart
All the entries were great! Thanks everyone for entering, if you didn't win this time you'll probably win next time!!!!!!!!!
The next concept is... A quote about one of your hobbies (Reading, writing, singing, playing an instrument, sports, anything! As long as it's a hobby. Just make sure it's something you love or enjoy, so that the quote is meaningful.)
A picture is preferred but not necessary (extra points for a good picture/quote!)
Good luck!

@MockingjayDistrict u always misspell my username that's why I never get a notifiction
on October 27, 2014
on October 21, 2014

Who won??
on October 18, 2014

You should walks with the wise, not the foolish.
Friends are meant to pull you up, not to push you down
Friends are meant to pull you up, not to push you down
on October 15, 2014

Similarities make a friendship , differences hold it together
~made by me
~made by me
on October 13, 2014

<3A true friend is like you. Different and the same. Like you. Special. A believer. A joy.<3
on October 13, 2014