CrystalDiamond Competitions
On this page, I will hold a weekly competition. It can be drawing, writing, telling a joke and SO much more! Please subscribe to participate!
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

on September 04, 2014

-results on friday
on September 01, 2014

"Other People's opinions about you don't matter, only yours does"
on September 01, 2014

To learn, the only way, is the hard way
on September 01, 2014

Dream is not what comes in your sleep but the one that never lets you sleep
on August 30, 2014

Life can be hard
Problems and troubles
All you need is to pop them
Just like bubbles
~ CrystalWings
Problems and troubles
All you need is to pop them
Just like bubbles
~ CrystalWings
on August 30, 2014

The difference between a monster and a beast is simple, a beast acts out of need a monster though, acts out of desire-Therightofthedead
on August 30, 2014

All our institutions rest upon business. Without it we should not have schools, colleges, churches, parks, playgrounds, pavements, books, libraries, art, music, or anything else that we value.-StormtheFox
on August 30, 2014

The best type of exersise is a mixture of crunch and lunge.
-Its called lunch.
-Its called lunch.
on August 30, 2014

HUSBAND: I am not coming home tonight there has been a car accident and Paula took me to the hospitalI have suffered a broken leg and back and minor injuies to my head. I will be in hospital for 3 days, and i didn't want you to worry. So i rang.
WIFE: Who's Paula?
HUSBAND: I am not coming home tonight there has been a car accident and Paula took me to the hospitalI have suffered a broken leg and back and minor injuies to my head. I will be in hospital for 3 days, and i didn't want you to worry. So i rang.
WIFE: Who's Paula?
on August 30, 2014

on August 30, 2014

Don't let anybody shoot your heart...cuz you'd obviously be dead. –_–
Don't let anybody shoot your heart...cuz you'd obviously be dead. –_–
on August 29, 2014

~Life is like a candle: only when its dark do you see the light
~Even a mask of content is better than a frown
~Nobody wants pain, but if you never feel pain, how will you know when you're happy?
~Even a mask of content is better than a frown
~Nobody wants pain, but if you never feel pain, how will you know when you're happy?
on August 29, 2014

"True wisdom is to be happy when there’s nothing to make you happy, to learn when there’s nothing to teach you, to love when there’s nothing that loves you!”
“Be to others as the sun is to earth”
“Strength of character is not not caring what others think of you, it’s to have the power to choose for yourself what affects you and to what extent”
“One should be thankful that one has one’s self. Because without one’s self, one would have nothing”
“A wise person knows that the See More most thoughtful gift is not the one she wants most, but the one the giver holds most dear”
“When you have too much of something, the only content you can get from it is by giving”
“You can never lie to your own heart, and when you look in the mirror, what do you want it to see?”
All by me. =)
“Be to others as the sun is to earth”
“Strength of character is not not caring what others think of you, it’s to have the power to choose for yourself what affects you and to what extent”
“One should be thankful that one has one’s self. Because without one’s self, one would have nothing”
“A wise person knows that the See More most thoughtful gift is not the one she wants most, but the one the giver holds most dear”
“When you have too much of something, the only content you can get from it is by giving”
“You can never lie to your own heart, and when you look in the mirror, what do you want it to see?”
All by me. =)

Also these two:
"Thirst made me appreciate water. Hunger made me appreciate food. darkness made me appreciate light. The more I suffer, the better I become!"
“Just like light cannot shine bright without darkness, so does greatness cannot be achieved without struggles. So next time you face a dire situation, welcome it!”
"Thirst made me appreciate water. Hunger made me appreciate food. darkness made me appreciate light. The more I suffer, the better I become!"
“Just like light cannot shine bright without darkness, so does greatness cannot be achieved without struggles. So next time you face a dire situation, welcome it!”
on September 05, 2014

And one more: "A hero is not someone who's done great things and conquered lands, but simply someone who's done an act a kindness to a person in need"
on August 29, 2014
on August 29, 2014

-The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
-Live life like the flip of a coin.
-Love the little things because life wouldn't be the same without them.
-Live life like the flip of a coin.
-Love the little things because life wouldn't be the same without them.
on August 29, 2014

on August 29, 2014

1)( Nothing treats a new wound like an old friend.
2)( Whether you like it or not, I'll be here for you.
3)( Act like everything is fine, only your true friends will know it's a smile on a mask.
2)( Whether you like it or not, I'll be here for you.
3)( Act like everything is fine, only your true friends will know it's a smile on a mask.
on August 29, 2014

-Live the Life, You Want To Live
-If I laugh at you, please laugh back
-We speak different languages, but we all understand something: A Smile
-If I laugh at you, please laugh back
-We speak different languages, but we all understand something: A Smile
on August 29, 2014

on August 29, 2014