Ask Rainbow Dash! (3)
Hey guys! It's me, Rainbow Dash, the most AWESOME pony in Ponyville! So, I noticed that many of my fans don't know a lot about me, exept for that im awesome. If you have any 20% cooler questions for me, ask them here! I will occasionally add pictures to go along with my answers
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Can we be friends?
(Even though I don't have an MLP OC... I can try make one but idk where to go to make one)
(Even though I don't have an MLP OC... I can try make one but idk where to go to make one)

oh cool! Pinkie lives in SugarCube Corner. Fluttershy and Twily both live in tree houses, like, literally, IN a tree, Rarity lives in that fancy purple mansion over there, and AJs farm is past that grove of apple trees. My house is in Clousdale, so i usually sleep on a cloud somewhere up there. Its pretty safe, if you sorta roll up into the cloud
on August 20, 2014

I haven't met Pinkie yet, or any of the others.
on August 20, 2014

'course! surprised you turned to me first though. pinkie usually sweeps you off your feet and becomes your best friend within seconds. but then again, who can resist my awesomeness? B)
on August 20, 2014
on August 18, 2014

on August 18, 2014

Wat r your thouts on raimbow dash x Soarin?
on July 05, 2014

hai! this page was unpublished by qfeast for a while but now i put it back! ask questions ill give answers and sometimes a drawing to go along with it. thx everyone! :)
on June 18, 2014