Plattform 9 and 3/4
This page is there to share your thoughts, dreams, ideas and pictures about the Plattform 9 and 3/4, at the Kings Cross Railway Station...
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The Sorceror's Stone- Platform Nine and Three Quarters
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on May 04, 2017

![Harry Potter and the Cursed Child [FAN-MADE] Trailer Harry Potter and the Cursed Child [FAN-MADE] Trailer](/i/rs:fit:320:200/mh:200/plain/imret/pp/bbbiud.jpg)
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child [FAN-MADE] Trailer
Fan-Made. I don't own any video rights.
on April 13, 2017

Harry Potter The Making of Diagon Alley
Explore more of the wizarding world than ever before at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ – Diagon Alley™, NOW OPEN at Universal Studios Florida®. Enter D...
on February 05, 2017

Traveling for the first time in Hogwarts Express
This scene is from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001).
on January 18, 2017

In the Harry Potter World at Universal Studios, there is also a Hogwarts Express that rides from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts...

on January 03, 2017
on December 19, 2016

No one has ever escaped this train to its ride to Hogwarts. (Except Scorpius and Albus...)
on November 24, 2016

The Hogwarts Express...
The Hogwarts Express is the name of the train that makes a run between London, King's Cross Station Platform 9¾ and Hogsmeade Station. It makes this run at about six times a year, maybe more, as needed.
The Express dutifully carries students to and from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the start and end of every term. The train leaves Platform 9¾ without fail on 1 September at 11 o'clock in the morning, arriving at Hogsmeade Station in the See More late evening...
The Hogwarts Express is the name of the train that makes a run between London, King's Cross Station Platform 9¾ and Hogsmeade Station. It makes this run at about six times a year, maybe more, as needed.
The Express dutifully carries students to and from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the start and end of every term. The train leaves Platform 9¾ without fail on 1 September at 11 o'clock in the morning, arriving at Hogsmeade Station in the See More late evening...
on September 23, 2016