The Real You!
Describe what you look like in real life, Say your personality, Post a pic of yourself, Whatever you want about just you! -No phone numbers -No sharing accounts (duh everyone's gonna see the password) -No hating
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Welp, I have light brown hair past my butt, green eyes, short, and light, tan skin. Baboom
on July 20, 2015

Me a pink and purple haird girl
I love homestuck
I ship to hard
I love animals (my mom was a vet I am going to be a vet like she was)
I love homestuck
I ship to hard
I love animals (my mom was a vet I am going to be a vet like she was)

I am a tomboy I like anima (u will never see me in a dress unless it is a wedding or church )
on July 20, 2015
on July 20, 2015

I kind of wish that my parents wouldn`t get mad at me if I uploaded a picture of myself. So, I can`t. But I can describe how I look. Think of: Messy dirty blonde hair that goes a little past shoulders, a t-shirt, tannish skin, normally long pj pants, and green eyes. Yes, I am a girl.
on July 20, 2015

Im Michael obviously I have short black hair, brown eyes, I wear glasses, and I'm very shy (not the kind that's nervous around people but the one that really doesn't talk much or likes to talk at all). My personality well as I just spelled I'm very shy, I don't go outside much, I'm very strict when it comes to giving or following orders, I hardly laugh or "kid around", and I prefer to stay alone and play on my phone or read a book. And that basically sums up my character, personality, See More and my appearance/look so in a way I'm a stone cold person (see my profile pic that'll give u a hint).
on July 20, 2015

Hm, well my personality is hard to explain. I'm really into politics and social issues, yet am a bit of a girly girl. I hate makeup, don't believe in love, yet I obsess over my hair. I have serious personality issues, so I'm constantly changing and altering my mental image of myself because I want people to like me. I like the idea if helping people and like to think I can make people happy, but when I get talking to people I just end up annoying them. I have really bad social See More anxiety, worse than you would think and crack under too much pressure. I'm really shy and hate being the first person to start up a conversation. People tend to think I don't have any emotion because I don't show emotions in public. For example when I'm in public I don't cry, act scared, flip my shit, etc. I cuss WAY too much and have anger issues. Because of my anxiety I'm a bit of a bitch, so when I'm trying to protect myself I just end up hurting other people's feelings. Yep, that's pretty much it. Oh, also, I'm a huge perv and people hate me for it.
on July 19, 2015

Personality, personality...
Kind of different from my perspective.
I'm not exactly sugar, spice and everything, in fact, I'm pretty mean. I'm not proud of it, but a good thing that comes from that is my sense of judgement and that tells me who to trust and so on and so forth. I usually use the words "whatnot" and "somewhat" a lot, so if you hate those words as much as I hate rocks and sand, then...too bad so sad, my friend. I'm VERY loyal, so if something happens to you, I'm See More like your guard dog. Lay your worries on me and I'll hopefully take care 'em. I want to be a therapist when I get older, so why not start here? I like to eat, even though I gain nothing from it, but that's okay. No, it's not. ANYHOO, that was lengthy, eh? No? Well forget you. Jk. XD Peace nuggets!!!
Kind of different from my perspective.
I'm not exactly sugar, spice and everything, in fact, I'm pretty mean. I'm not proud of it, but a good thing that comes from that is my sense of judgement and that tells me who to trust and so on and so forth. I usually use the words "whatnot" and "somewhat" a lot, so if you hate those words as much as I hate rocks and sand, then...too bad so sad, my friend. I'm VERY loyal, so if something happens to you, I'm See More like your guard dog. Lay your worries on me and I'll hopefully take care 'em. I want to be a therapist when I get older, so why not start here? I like to eat, even though I gain nothing from it, but that's okay. No, it's not. ANYHOO, that was lengthy, eh? No? Well forget you. Jk. XD Peace nuggets!!!

on July 19, 2015
on July 19, 2015

*sees I didn't put myself on here*
We're definitely gonna have to do that, me!
We're definitely gonna have to do that, me!
on July 19, 2015

I am a mulatto.... I have REALLY frizzy hair and a lot of freckles/pimples... I have really dark brown eyes and yeah... xD
I am a grammar Nazi as most of you have noticed. I'm obsessed with all things burlesque and musical. I'm an action movie buff and I speak french and I'm learning chinese and, I'm a fangirl by heart so I don't obsess I investigate. I'm a tomboy and I don't really have any crushes because all these low life peasants aren't up to my awesome standards. See More I'm kind of mean, I want to be a lawyer some day. I'm spontaneous, apparently a debatable psychopath, dramatical, and I like to plane murders. I don't know if that's a good thing or... I'm heterosexual but stand up for other sexualities. I don't know what else to put, so here's a pic....
I am a grammar Nazi as most of you have noticed. I'm obsessed with all things burlesque and musical. I'm an action movie buff and I speak french and I'm learning chinese and, I'm a fangirl by heart so I don't obsess I investigate. I'm a tomboy and I don't really have any crushes because all these low life peasants aren't up to my awesome standards. See More I'm kind of mean, I want to be a lawyer some day. I'm spontaneous, apparently a debatable psychopath, dramatical, and I like to plane murders. I don't know if that's a good thing or... I'm heterosexual but stand up for other sexualities. I don't know what else to put, so here's a pic....
on July 19, 2015

I have short blonde hair, I have blueish/greenish/greyish eyes (I can't tell, they keep changing hourly.) I have bad eyes so I wear contact lenses or brown glasses. I have a lot of freckles. I think I'm weird. My friends think I'm funny, and nice. And my friend hates my short hair and thinks that I should be called Rachel because of it.
on July 19, 2015

Personality: I can't really describe my personality its just whatever I want. If you've talked to me on the phone @Camillethehedgehog14 and @Fandomlover have they know I can be silly if I choose.
Likes: FNAF, Sonic, Mario, Pokémon, Writing, technology, and show choir. Its so fun.
Friends irl: @Marioxgalaxy , @Dalton.higley , and @Starwarsgeek
Hates: People who hate me, people who refuse to fight when you have to, crying, and annoying people, when people ignore me.
Fav Youtuber: See More Markiplier and Smike.
Likes: FNAF, Sonic, Mario, Pokémon, Writing, technology, and show choir. Its so fun.
Friends irl: @Marioxgalaxy , @Dalton.higley , and @Starwarsgeek
Hates: People who hate me, people who refuse to fight when you have to, crying, and annoying people, when people ignore me.
Fav Youtuber: See More Markiplier and Smike.
on February 22, 2015