For people who have depression
Hello, I'm Masky_Weeb_Fan, and I actually have depression. My depression is called Moderate Depression. Come on and join the rest of the depressed people.
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on January 12, 2021

How to Keep Going When You Want To Give Up on Life - Tiny Buddha
If you don't give up hope and keep looking for help and reaching out to others, you will eventually find the people, tools, and resources you need to heal.
on December 03, 2020

I am deppressed, i have extreme anxiety, and i still cut when it gets really bad.
on December 02, 2020

MISSIO - I See You (Audio)
Get The New Album ‘The Darker The Weather // The Better The Man’ feat. “I See You” & “Rad Drugz” Available Now: iTunes - http...
on December 01, 2020

I still suffer from depression and I was diagnosed with it when I was 5 because my mom died.
on December 01, 2020

I used to suffer from severe depression, and i still have scars from when i cut myself. It was really bad, and if you wish I will tell you what happened

@BlueTheQuizWhiz97 I have some suicidal thoughts and still cut myself, also one of my friends at the beginning of the year turned into the person who bullies me most but can't do it as much ever since COVID-19 but the thought of it still happening scares me. So I know what you went through, I'm gooing through it now.
on December 02, 2020

@Masky_Weeb_Fan I tried but its way too long to write. A lot of things happened. but basically i went emotionless, suicidal, everything was grey, i hurt myself to feel emotions but it didnt work so i hurt myself to see my own blood and realise i was still alive, the edge of my vision was black like i could pass out any second, i couldnt make out noise, i couldnt See More feel pain, i faked a smile cause i couldnt smile normally, every day was the same, my friends didnt care and some turned into bullies (except mouse)...etc etc etc. lots of stuff happened. I almost died
on December 01, 2020
on December 01, 2020

I suffer from moderate depression, and suffer from a nightmare disorder and Brief psychotic disorder
on December 01, 2020

I have moderate to severe depression and anxiety. I also have early stages of psychosis
on December 01, 2020