Weird dreams
This is a page about weird dreams you had (I personally have alot of them) see if others can relate to the dream! :3
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Do dreams actually have meanings? Or are they just short movies that your subconsciousness randomly creates? Dreams have always fascinated people. To this day, psychologists conduct extensive research to try and figure out what happens in our mind and body when we sleep. In ancient Egypt, those with colorful and vivid dreams were considered to be special people. So special that most of their dreams were recorded on papyrus! The Egyptians firmly believed that divine revelation came from dreams, in which you could find all the answers to your worries and gain wisdom. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Sigmund Freud, a famous neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, introduced his perception of dreaming in his book The Interpretation of Dreams. According t
on August 20, 2019

I was falling, and I cracked my head on a tree. I "woke up" in a store with my BFF. She pointed across the aisle, and my crush was there. I said hi, and he said hi. Then I blinked in the dream, and I was falling again. Then my imaginary older brother caught me, (I'm an only child,) and said not to fall out of anymore trees. Then someone came up from behind me and stabbed me. Fun times.
on March 30, 2019

Last night I had a dream 5 ghosts were after me, waited auras.
WIERD thing: Before I fell to sleep I was threatened by a ghost once again, then fell over and couldn't see out of an eye, nor move it open if I tried. I couldn't scream no matter how much I wanted to, almost like I was dead but the ghost still in my body....
WIERD thing: Before I fell to sleep I was threatened by a ghost once again, then fell over and couldn't see out of an eye, nor move it open if I tried. I couldn't scream no matter how much I wanted to, almost like I was dead but the ghost still in my body....
on December 27, 2015

Last night i was looking up springtrap and had 3 dreams.
1: I was at school and we were trying to make a fnaf5
2: i got stuck in springtrap and died
3(This scared the f*ck out of me): I was in a half awake state and i could feel my body and see everything but couldnt move, then my door opened and spring trap was there and he turned into purple man and tried to kill me and stuff me into a foxy suit
1: I was at school and we were trying to make a fnaf5
2: i got stuck in springtrap and died
3(This scared the f*ck out of me): I was in a half awake state and i could feel my body and see everything but couldnt move, then my door opened and spring trap was there and he turned into purple man and tried to kill me and stuff me into a foxy suit
on August 12, 2015

Once I had a dream where I was at dance then a girl runs up to me and said your dancing is dumb then my eyes turn red and I looked at da girl like she was going to die then the teacher comes in and yells at me I yell at the teacher.
on August 11, 2015

I've had countless nightmares about oobi in the TV acting creepy, and then me running into my room.
on August 10, 2015

I had a dream I was a stand up comedian (outside)
So I said some jokes, but one I remember me saying was
"196(something)" and everyone did that cheesy laugh you hear on tv
So I said some jokes, but one I remember me saying was
"196(something)" and everyone did that cheesy laugh you hear on tv
on August 10, 2015

on August 10, 2015
Me, my friend, and some kid from school were on the top of a really tall tower. There was a slide behind us. but we didn't notice it. So we built our way down with legos.
on August 10, 2015

Me and my friend were drawing 4s on a wall in green chalk and there were red 4s and my chalk was red somehow so I put it back to green and there were still red 4s being drawn so we were just drawing with a demon for awhile .-. Idk how but I knew it was a demon
on August 09, 2015

I was a forensic scientist in a lab set up in my old school with other students doing tests on other cases. A private detective had come along to help out on my case. The detective tried to grab a piece of evidence without wearing gloves and he was arrested for evidence tampering. The murderer in my case was the detective who was trying to destroy fingerprint evidence.
on August 09, 2015

I dreamt about getting stuck in a computer with my friends,Chloe, Matthew,and Daniel. That's what inspired me to write Glitched.
on August 09, 2015

I have a lot of dreams of criminals and death and me stabbing a Chucky doll in its plastic face,but the weirdest ones is a dream of me marrying my best friend(he's a guy).Ive had at least two so far.Ive heard that if you think of someone before you go to sleep they may dream of you.Does that mean he was thinking of me?
on August 09, 2015

I had a dream where I stabbed my girlfriend with a spear. c:
on August 09, 2015

I had a dream a few days ago that I was in a Original Disney movie where Nemo was my Best Friend I would always swim with and Hiro was my Boyfriend who I fight battles with and Bamax will always constantly stare at us when we hugged or make out
on August 09, 2015

Ok, so I was in the Warrior cat world, and Jayfeather said to Brambleclaw "I will never tell you!" And Brambleclaw said "You must!" That's all I remember. Then, there was one dream I asked a cat " What are you doing?" It said " Lying against a fence." And that's also all I remember! Lol
on August 09, 2015

on August 09, 2015

I had a dream...
Where everyone and everything was on fire.
Where everyone and everything was on fire.
on August 09, 2015