Ramdon Shit
Welcome I'm Max and this is a place to post random shit. I always have a bunch of random shit on my mind so I'm going to post that stuff here. Feel free to post your own random shit here as well
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If we humans can glow but we can’t see it with a naked eye but if our eyes have clothes can we see the glow?
(This is so dumb)
(This is so dumb)
on June 12, 2021

I was just wondering...
If there were another universe a whole other world the multiverse I was thinking about space and other weird stuff and I was just thinking if we could go to that universe and then I exploded
If there were another universe a whole other world the multiverse I was thinking about space and other weird stuff and I was just thinking if we could go to that universe and then I exploded
on June 06, 2021

Are Kedamono's masks actually part of his face? Like is it just stuck and growing out of him, maybe somewhat like a finger nail? The keep falling off depending on his emotions so obviously they aren't that attached but you never see his face. In one episode the fell to the ground and kept breaking so they don't seem to be made of finger nail, they seem to be made of porcelain but then how is it attached to him? Was he born with it on or did he find it? Is he a porcelain doll? See More Obviously not since he can be cut and bleed and stuff and doesn't just shatter. I think that the mask is probably magical and he found it and it just changes depending on his emotions. But then how does it not fall off? Idk I'm not done with the series, what do you think?
on June 04, 2021

I have lungs.
on June 04, 2021

Eli (One of the people I live with) just called me a vegetarian and I said I'm not a vegetarian, I eat bacon and chicken and Eli said well you only eat like three or four types of meat and then I said Damn you got me there... -Max
on June 04, 2021

anyone know what the bee thing is in?
on June 04, 2021

on June 04, 2021

Ok so most people I've met Consider me a Female because I have female parts, so when some calls me a female I'm just like Actually I'm Genderfluid and their like That's not a gender then I respond Yes it is and so then we end up arguing back and forth of weather it is or not but then I just end up walking away. Until, I met these two people a little older then me, named Toni and Tobi and their Genderfluid as well so we got to know each other and ended up becoming good friends. See More -Max
on June 04, 2021

So finally I got my hair bleached, one step closer to dyeing it blue. ?
on June 04, 2021

Ok, so, on Tuesday it was a normal school day, Y'know? The only difference being it was the last day of school. Anyway, when were going inside the gym to do an aword assembly my class had just sat down then after a minute or so the principal told everyone to stand for the pledge of alegence. (Did I spell that right?) So, after we said the pledge of alegence we all sat back down and the teachers began saying who got which award(s). But when the gym teacher began to say who got See More the male and female gym aword this kid in my class named Aika screeched becuase there was a wasp on her arm. Aika ended up being sent to the nurses office because she got stung, so after that we continued the assembly then when it was over, went back to our classes untill school was done for the day. -Max
on June 03, 2021

I slapped my cat yesterday
on June 03, 2021

I burnt myself with a marshmallow three days ago -Max

My gandma ended up pouring her beer on my hand because when the marshmallow hit my skin it was still on fire. -Max
on June 03, 2021
on June 03, 2021