These are random quotes that you can put like funny, cute, life worth, anything
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

on April 18, 2017

on April 15, 2017

on April 08, 2017

on December 03, 2016

on August 05, 2016

"I'm stalking ypu"
"I leave now
"*cough* cheepskate*cough*"
"Oh freaka dink"
"I leave now
"*cough* cheepskate*cough*"
"Oh freaka dink"
on April 17, 2016

"I dont wanna say something incase i miss somethin and i dont wanna do anything inccase i do something"
"momys here to throw you in the closet and never remember you!"
"ohh! glowy poisonous shroms! let me stick my face right in there!"
"okay, who did that? whos playing a pranky prank on me? huh? whos getting a knuckle sandwch? whos getting a noogie woogie? as plesant as a noogie woogie may sound i garuntee its the most dangerous thing yyoull See More ever face"
"SHUT UP NURSE!!!!!!!"
"momys here to throw you in the closet and never remember you!"
"ohh! glowy poisonous shroms! let me stick my face right in there!"
"okay, who did that? whos playing a pranky prank on me? huh? whos getting a knuckle sandwch? whos getting a noogie woogie? as plesant as a noogie woogie may sound i garuntee its the most dangerous thing yyoull See More ever face"
"SHUT UP NURSE!!!!!!!"
on March 20, 2016

"A true man never dies, even if he's killed.... A man only dies when he is forgotten." -Kamina
on March 04, 2016

I dknt care who you are, if your nice to me, im sure as hell gonna be nice to you - eminem
on March 04, 2016
"I want to see your smile."
"Where is your smile? Its missing..."
"Smile for me...please...?"
-All of these are from Goldie.
"Where is your smile? Its missing..."
"Smile for me...please...?"
-All of these are from Goldie.
on March 04, 2016

@Myfreddie77 please remember this:
sometimes in life you feel the weight of the world it can push you down and make you fear it.
it can cause stress and pain but im these moments, remember all that you have donw in your life, and what great things you can do in the future. the feeling of burden may not subside but the fire you carry in your heart will burn stronger then ever when you live through it, never let anyone... or anything... steal your flame.
~ Andy Sixx
sometimes in life you feel the weight of the world it can push you down and make you fear it.
it can cause stress and pain but im these moments, remember all that you have donw in your life, and what great things you can do in the future. the feeling of burden may not subside but the fire you carry in your heart will burn stronger then ever when you live through it, never let anyone... or anything... steal your flame.
~ Andy Sixx
on March 04, 2016