Alien RP
Be a being from another planet, tentacles, weird bodily functions, strange customs. Just for the sake of it, the space bar where it takes place has a built in translator. So everyone can understand each other :D

The Illumintor: *appears with her watch/TARDIS/Travis*

(if this is going to become a doctor who page i should just go xD)
on September 25, 2014

*ghost hisses viciously, grimacing at the sonic light*
on September 25, 2014

Grau: @_@
on September 25, 2014

The Illumintor: *whios out her sonic* can't be?
on September 25, 2014

*another ghost whipping round the Illuminator, shrieking in her ear*
on September 24, 2014
on September 13, 2014

Grau: *tapping furiously on a screen on her ship*

// Haha, I would comment/RP more but my third block class is almost over... See you guys another time now, and I will try to get that bio up soon, okay. //
on August 25, 2014
on August 25, 2014

Lena:*in the bar, fiddling with some loose wires she found in Grau's ship*

on August 22, 2014
on August 22, 2014

Anyone wanna Rp?
on August 21, 2014

Name: ... [secret]
Nickname (if your real name is too long/unpronounceable): The Illuminator, Riley Blakewood
Species: Time Lady
Gender (or none if you prefer....): Female
Age (specify if infant, half grown, adult or elderly): Very very very old, though doesn't look it (looks like a 16-19 human)
Home planet: Gallifrey
Appearance: Humanoid, female See More
10th regen (current): brunette, green eyes, glasses
Backstory: A survivor of the time war, she stole a TARDIS from Gallifrey. Unlike the Doctor, she knew that she wasn't the Last time lord. She'd seen the doctor steal a TARDIS. After leaving Gallifrey, she has been searching for the Doctor, while saving the universe. Her companion is K-9 Mark III which she found, not knowing it was the Doctor's. She has a sonic screwdriver and her TARDIS's chameleon circuit works, only as a watch or a police box (all the Generation 40 TARDIS's had been stuck as police boxes, but she was able to implement the watch feature)
Abilities: Telepathy; Regeneration; Time Travel; Increased stamina; Can read over five billion languages; Has the ability to perceive time, and can tell when he is able to alter the flow of events and when they must be allowed to occur, as well as a limited ability to see the past, present and future; Has the limited ability to see all potential future timelines of what could happen, although he cannot tell what is actually going to happen; Incredibly intelligent to the point of literally beyond human comprehension, and has displayed a facility for science, medicine, and history, among many others.
Nickname (if your real name is too long/unpronounceable): The Illuminator, Riley Blakewood
Species: Time Lady
Gender (or none if you prefer....): Female
Age (specify if infant, half grown, adult or elderly): Very very very old, though doesn't look it (looks like a 16-19 human)
Home planet: Gallifrey
Appearance: Humanoid, female See More
10th regen (current): brunette, green eyes, glasses
Backstory: A survivor of the time war, she stole a TARDIS from Gallifrey. Unlike the Doctor, she knew that she wasn't the Last time lord. She'd seen the doctor steal a TARDIS. After leaving Gallifrey, she has been searching for the Doctor, while saving the universe. Her companion is K-9 Mark III which she found, not knowing it was the Doctor's. She has a sonic screwdriver and her TARDIS's chameleon circuit works, only as a watch or a police box (all the Generation 40 TARDIS's had been stuck as police boxes, but she was able to implement the watch feature)
Abilities: Telepathy; Regeneration; Time Travel; Increased stamina; Can read over five billion languages; Has the ability to perceive time, and can tell when he is able to alter the flow of events and when they must be allowed to occur, as well as a limited ability to see the past, present and future; Has the limited ability to see all potential future timelines of what could happen, although he cannot tell what is actually going to happen; Incredibly intelligent to the point of literally beyond human comprehension, and has displayed a facility for science, medicine, and history, among many others.

She doesn't exactly know the doctors name is "the doctor" but knows he has a blue police box
on August 21, 2014
on August 21, 2014

Just a note, will people please use the form at the bottom? It saves me asking a load of questions.
on August 20, 2014

Name: Erika
Species: Faerie ( I know t is mythical but I am making it a species ) a human plant hybrid kinda
Gender: female
Home planet: she thought she was from earth but was born in Gaia a planet full of faeries
Backstory: grew up with weird powers making her become isolated and ostracized
Age: 16
Abilities: healing and is able to make plants grow
Species: Faerie ( I know t is mythical but I am making it a species ) a human plant hybrid kinda
Gender: female
Home planet: she thought she was from earth but was born in Gaia a planet full of faeries
Backstory: grew up with weird powers making her become isolated and ostracized
Age: 16
Abilities: healing and is able to make plants grow
on August 20, 2014

Character Form
Name: Xaindenn
Nickname if your real name is too long/unpronouncable): Xain
Species: Tu'vir
Gender or none if you prefer....): Male
Age specify if infant, half grown, adult or elderly): Adult
Home planet: M'Quagirne See More
Appearance: (picture)
Backstory: Everyone on his planet is a clone and had no powers. While he was being made in a factory, he was disturbed and came out different. He was an outcast and travels alone.
Abilities: Shape-shifting.
Name: Xaindenn
Nickname if your real name is too long/unpronouncable): Xain
Species: Tu'vir
Gender or none if you prefer....): Male
Age specify if infant, half grown, adult or elderly): Adult
Home planet: M'Quagirne See More
Appearance: (picture)
Backstory: Everyone on his planet is a clone and had no powers. While he was being made in a factory, he was disturbed and came out different. He was an outcast and travels alone.
Abilities: Shape-shifting.
on August 19, 2014

Name: Die Dame von Grau
Nickname: Grau
Species: hahahahaha alien???
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Home planet: Die Graue Dere
Appearance: (i'll upload a pic) See More
Backstory: She is an explorer and doctor and is searching the universe to a disease plaguing her world
Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, and the ability to speak any language
Nickname: Grau
Species: hahahahaha alien???
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Home planet: Die Graue Dere
Appearance: (i'll upload a pic) See More
Backstory: She is an explorer and doctor and is searching the universe to a disease plaguing her world
Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, and the ability to speak any language
on August 19, 2014

Name:Lenatustikanwarino Maristandoro
Species:Galvin (full grown)
Home planet:Galviran
Appearance:Slim humanoid, blue and silver markings, scales, tail and lynx ears, bronze eyes See More
Backstory:None much, travelling the universe to see the wonders. Family is distant.
Abilities:To absorb any material and create body armour from it.
Species:Galvin (full grown)
Home planet:Galviran
Appearance:Slim humanoid, blue and silver markings, scales, tail and lynx ears, bronze eyes See More
Backstory:None much, travelling the universe to see the wonders. Family is distant.
Abilities:To absorb any material and create body armour from it.
on August 19, 2014

Character Form
Nickname:(if your real name is too long/unpronouncable)
Gender:(or none if you prefer....)
Age:(specify if infant, half grown, adult or elderly)
Home planet: See More
Nickname:(if your real name is too long/unpronouncable)
Gender:(or none if you prefer....)
Age:(specify if infant, half grown, adult or elderly)
Home planet: See More

I'm actually thinking of making a doctor who rp page. I just wasn't sure there were people who would join :D
on August 20, 2014

Can I be a Time Lady?!?! Cuz that would be just SO. FREAKING. AMAZINGCOOLGREATAWESOME!!!!!! B)
on August 20, 2014
on August 19, 2014