Remember Gravity Falls
This is a page where we can discuss Gravity Falls and what we've uncovered. This page is NOT spoiler free, so Spoiler Alert!
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Alex might make a reboot?
Hopefully it wont turn out like teen titans.
if it does I swear it'll all be ruined.
Hopefully it wont turn out like teen titans.
if it does I swear it'll all be ruined.
on February 21, 2016

Me: I like pies and ice cream and pickles!
One of my friends: You mean you like pies, ice cream, and pickles.
Me: ...
Friend: Grammar.
Me: OH I'LL GRAMMAR YOU! -Punches-
A kid returns: Oh no it's me. Right, aren't you all thinking that?
One of my friends: You mean you like pies, ice cream, and pickles.
Me: ...
Friend: Grammar.
Me: OH I'LL GRAMMAR YOU! -Punches-
A kid returns: Oh no it's me. Right, aren't you all thinking that?
on February 19, 2016

Me before Weirdmageddon 3: AHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me after: -Sarcastic- Ha ha... HaHahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -Whispers- It's over... my life's purpose is over... -sobs-
Me after: -Sarcastic- Ha ha... HaHahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -Whispers- It's over... my life's purpose is over... -sobs-
on February 17, 2016

I sobbed so hard at the end of this amazing TV show. So did my sister. It had a great run, full of amazing episodes, but it's all over now. I heard Alex may make a movie, but I may be wrong.
on February 16, 2016

(Spoiler Alert!) :((:((:(( The Feels! :((:((

Heh... guess I was good for something after all. | Gravity Falls | Know Your Meme
See more 'Gravity Falls' images on Know Your Meme!
on February 16, 2016

I fuckking almost cried when it ended no! I don't want it to end tho :(( but sadly it did
on February 16, 2016