The Why Room
Why. Just Why. Whenver you wonder "Why" you can ask here. Just ask "Why."
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Why is cali and idiot mean to me qwq
on June 04, 2021

why does axel want to commit arson all the time-
on June 04, 2021

whys blue such a p*ssy?

on June 04, 2021

on June 04, 2021
on June 04, 2021

why am i gay
on June 04, 2021

Why the hell is my dog trying to climb a tree? -Max
on June 04, 2021

on June 04, 2021

Why did Idiot leave the GC when stuff was getting good right after she said the same thing to Josh?

@BlueTheQuizWhiz97 @LilZeke2007 well it was either me get introuble and never come back
OR me leave the chat for the day u3u
OR me leave the chat for the day u3u
on June 04, 2021
on June 04, 2021

Whenver you wonder "Why" you can ask here. Just ask "Why." -Everyone
on June 04, 2021

Dear Mother and Father. Why the f*ck did you name me Maxwell. I know you wanted a boy but why didn't change my name when you got me. -Max
on June 04, 2021
life sucks in general -w-