R.I.P Shadow the German Shepherd
Hello and once I had this German Shepherd named Shadow and he was just a puppy when he died so I still can't get over it.Ps this happened when I was little.
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Who wants to find out how he died

@SkytheGalacticWolf That sad.
on March 05, 2017

@OtakuFanOfFnaf ok The day we got Shadow and he was on a leach outside and I was playing with him and I told him I would be right back.Once I got outside he was gone.We didn't find unit weeks later so we took him to the vet to make sure he was ok but he wasn't the veteran told us that he got postin and he died two weeks ago
on March 05, 2017

@SkytheGalacticWolf K tell me the story. Its interissing. ?
on March 05, 2017
on March 05, 2017

Awww so cute. I am a sofie when it comes to animals. Hope u feel better soon.
on March 04, 2017