A really cool Dragon Ball AU
So tide and I decided to make a really cool dragon ball AU where everyone is "un-straight" or "un-cis". everyone is LGBT besides Yams and other certain characters.

that's the discord link
that's the discord link
Dragon Ball thingie
Check out the Dragon Ball thingie community on Discord - hang out with 1 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
on September 20, 2019

oops I forgot about this. I might do a voice auditions video or something.
on September 09, 2019

are we going to change the characters designs a little bit?
on May 11, 2019

in the goku black arc:
instead of Zamsisus getting mad at gonku for humiliating him, he's mad at gonku for stealing his giant pail of kool-aid
instead of Zamsisus getting mad at gonku for humiliating him, he's mad at gonku for stealing his giant pail of kool-aid
on April 17, 2019

I'm going to voice act turles and no one can stop me
on April 08, 2019

i can also do a little bit of the non-cannon broly but it's only when he screams 'Kakarot' heheheh
on February 24, 2019

I swear I'm gonna sound like ralsei when I do gonku voice
I swear I'm gonna sound like ralsei when I do gonku voice
on February 24, 2019

Kai and i are making a list of what each character will be, the next step is figuring out who's gonna voice who.
I can do a Trunks, a semi-vegeta (so that means i'll probably be one of the voices), a King Kai even though it's not all that good, a Jeice, a bit of a Burter, a semi-Raditz, a Frieza, almost a Yamcha, i'll kinda have to be zamasu (unless anyone else says other wise), and those are all i know of right now.
Edit: i forgot that i can also do a kid krillin hehhhahahe See More
this'll be fun.
I can do a Trunks, a semi-vegeta (so that means i'll probably be one of the voices), a King Kai even though it's not all that good, a Jeice, a bit of a Burter, a semi-Raditz, a Frieza, almost a Yamcha, i'll kinda have to be zamasu (unless anyone else says other wise), and those are all i know of right now.
Edit: i forgot that i can also do a kid krillin hehhhahahe See More
this'll be fun.
on February 24, 2019

in this dub, the character's have funny names. like, goku = gonku and vegeta (being genderfluid) has his boy name = geets and his girl name = vegie and etc.

we're writing him as "questioning being gay and knows he's a possible twink but fights it and calls himself a twunk"
on February 24, 2019
on February 24, 2019

we're planning something similar as to that of Team Four Star and other fan/parody dubs. although that would be far into the future, if you would like to (seriously) join it, go ahead!

on February 24, 2019
on February 24, 2019