Hetawarts RP (Hetalia x Harry Potter)
Any Hetalia and Harry Potter fans? Here's a place for crossover between the two and extra if wanted, you can be any HP character and even Hetalia.
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Gillen sighed heavily as he slowly stretched, it was morning and many people was starting to awake. The Germanic Russian slowly sat up in his bed as he had bed hair, a groan leaving him before rubbing his eyes. He then stood up and stretched once again then lets out a relaxing sigh. He then took notice of the other bed which still had a lump in it, "Italien... Time to get up. Steigen und leuchten, flockig arsch..~" He chuckled a bit before putting on his robe and scarf, he wasn't See More feeling well so he just wore his pajamas but he at least had his vest and tie on too. He then headed out of his dorm and walked down the hall, a quiet sigh leaving him as he heads for class. He then stopped in his tracks, he might go get some food actually. He then looked off to the side and he was basically the only student up expect for a few other early bird, maybe that was why his roommate didn't want to get up after all. He just smiled to himself before frowning then walks out of the building all together, heading for town so he could go buy him a few things to eat and maybe use later on.

Darragh walked through the halls as he was reading one of his books, it was kind of cold in the morning so he wore his Slytherin scarf to keep his face warm. He then looked up a bit when hearing someone and he blnked, a chuckle leaving the moment he seen his friend leaving the primises. He folded the corner of the page then closes the book, tucking it under his See More arm then runs after the male. "Aye! Lad, wait for me!" He called out as he eventually caught up to him, a grin on his face as he moved in front of him now. "Where ye going? To town or something? Because if so, I'm coming with ye." He chuckled some before ruffling the Germanic Russian's hair with a wide grin on his face. They was in seperate classes but they got along well, he then blinked and looks around for a moment. "Eh.. Where's Inezia?" He asked, noticing the third member wasn't there. Gillen, Darragh, and Inezia was all close friends after all.
on February 13, 2015
on February 12, 2015