Unpopular Opinions (1)
Post any opinion that you have that a lot of people might not agree with. Try to not be a dick towards other people's opinions.
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let prostitutes/sex workers/pornstars live their lives. They werent whores, they arent sluts, they arent objects. a lot of them do it for the money and because theyre good at it. its also doesnt mean you can treat them any less human because of their profession.
on January 23, 2018
people who repost art after being told not to // repost art without credit are just as bad as art thieves.
on January 15, 2018

I feel like km related to someone I don't want to say if want to know what I'm talking about I have page called questions look there and ask me something about me being related to someone
on January 08, 2018
"im not like other girls xd"
what ""other girls""?? please shut up. all girls are girls, regardless of if we like emo bands or justin beiber, if we like pizza or hotdogs, or if we have a vagina or a penis, or if we wear dresses or skinny jeans.
im mainly talking about yall who starred this picture
you know who you are. stop.
what ""other girls""?? please shut up. all girls are girls, regardless of if we like emo bands or justin beiber, if we like pizza or hotdogs, or if we have a vagina or a penis, or if we wear dresses or skinny jeans.
im mainly talking about yall who starred this picture
you know who you are. stop.
on January 08, 2018
on January 08, 2018
I feel like 90% of the users on here have "white" OCs but they use anime pictures to fit their description and im so tired of it
I dont rememer a time when i ever saw a OC that was a PoC, but there are so many underrepresented nationalities/races out there (ex; Native Americans, Filipinos) and the least you could do is represent them that way
Theres nothing wrong with white oc's but i hardly ever see anything other than that, in summary.
I dont rememer a time when i ever saw a OC that was a PoC, but there are so many underrepresented nationalities/races out there (ex; Native Americans, Filipinos) and the least you could do is represent them that way
Theres nothing wrong with white oc's but i hardly ever see anything other than that, in summary.
on January 03, 2018
i feel really bad for **some** ddlg/ddlb/cgl people.
im not talking about the ones who do things that arent sfw while they act like a child
Im talking about the ones whos sex lives are totally seperate from their little sides, but they still get slandered.
like, ive seen so many Animal Crossing blogs tell cgl blogs not to follow/reblog/like their stuff (its a kids game) because of the nasties who fuckk with a pacifier in their mouths, but its seriously so unfair to See More those who are sfw inside their little space.
the ones who suck dick while they act like two year olds deserve everything thats coming their way, honestly but there ARE cgl members of that community who dont deserve the slander because they arent disgusting with it.
For the nasties, its a kink. For the sensible littles, its a lifestyle.
i feel really bad for **some** ddlg/ddlb/cgl people.
im not talking about the ones who do things that arent sfw while they act like a child
Im talking about the ones whos sex lives are totally seperate from their little sides, but they still get slandered.
like, ive seen so many Animal Crossing blogs tell cgl blogs not to follow/reblog/like their stuff (its a kids game) because of the nasties who fuckk with a pacifier in their mouths, but its seriously so unfair to See More those who are sfw inside their little space.
the ones who suck dick while they act like two year olds deserve everything thats coming their way, honestly but there ARE cgl members of that community who dont deserve the slander because they arent disgusting with it.
For the nasties, its a kink. For the sensible littles, its a lifestyle.
on January 02, 2018

HUMBLE by Kendrick Lamar is really problematic if you listen to it in depth
It's not his place to comment on what women do- things like wear makeup, etc.
and "sit down, lil bitch, be humble" is low key mysogyny
i dont understand why some people think this is a "feminist" song as its about objectification of "imperfect" women and is still about having sex ://
It's not his place to comment on what women do- things like wear makeup, etc.
and "sit down, lil bitch, be humble" is low key mysogyny
i dont understand why some people think this is a "feminist" song as its about objectification of "imperfect" women and is still about having sex ://
on December 11, 2017
what is the meaning behind "what does ___ think of you??" quizzes
I really dont give a damn about anyone's oc honestly
I really dont give a damn about anyone's oc honestly
on December 02, 2017

I don't like cats
on May 12, 2018
on November 28, 2017
I have an uneasy feeling ""cuphead"" is going to be the next batim
I have no idea what it's about but based on it's qfeast fandom it can't be good
I have no idea what it's about but based on it's qfeast fandom it can't be good
on October 17, 2017
as long as your ship isn't pedophilia, abusive, or incest, you should be allowed to ship whatever you want
ships really aren't that big a deal. for the most part, let people like what they like
ships really aren't that big a deal. for the most part, let people like what they like
on October 01, 2017
shipping stuff like lams/hamburrger etc is okay so long as you do it relating to the musical. shipping them together in actual history/irl is kind of disrespectful to their legacies, including and especially eliza hamilton's.
shipping stuff like lams/hamburrger etc is okay so long as you do it relating to the musical. shipping them together in actual history/irl is kind of disrespectful to their legacies, including and especially eliza hamilton's.
idgaf what y'all want to say about "but they had letters saying---" no, stfu
just because lams said they loved each other in their letters irl doesn't change the fact that they both were happily married and had plenty of children. au's where lams is real dont exist in the real world.
just because lams said they loved each other in their letters irl doesn't change the fact that they both were happily married and had plenty of children. au's where lams is real dont exist in the real world.
on September 26, 2017
on September 26, 2017

I think it's extremely dumb and petty how people are like "omg someone stole my fandom I h8 qfeast for ruining stuff!1!1!1!" Like people can like whatever they want? You can't expect to post about something 24/7 and not expect a few people to be interested. Plus it's also really dumb to think you're special and you're the only one allowed to like things.
on September 24, 2017
ddlg/ddlb is actually super cute
so long as they're not sexual while they're in the little space, that is
so long as they're not sexual while they're in the little space, that is
on September 20, 2017

How come people want to murder you if you say "I'm proud of being white" but saying "I'm proud of being black" is totally okay?
I don't care much but it is kind of interesting how judging people are.
I don't care much but it is kind of interesting how judging people are.
on September 08, 2017

If you willingly went into war and support war and fighting and think it's okay to kill innocent children if you're in a war, you're a jerk. ESPECIALLY if you have the nerve to call that "being patriotic."
I know not all veterans are like this.
like, if you feel obligated to enter the war, and/or you really hate war but fought anyway, and/or you fought in a war that was absolutely necessary: thank you & i respect you & i really appreciate the fact that you saved our country from See More dying.
BUT if you fought in the war and support war and think that just bc there's a terrorist from a certain country you should bomb said country and kill innocent people, and also if you use your status as a veteran to get pity from people (like "im a veteran can i get 10k likes ??) guess what? :) you're not a good person
I know not all veterans are like this.
like, if you feel obligated to enter the war, and/or you really hate war but fought anyway, and/or you fought in a war that was absolutely necessary: thank you & i respect you & i really appreciate the fact that you saved our country from See More dying.
BUT if you fought in the war and support war and think that just bc there's a terrorist from a certain country you should bomb said country and kill innocent people, and also if you use your status as a veteran to get pity from people (like "im a veteran can i get 10k likes ??) guess what? :) you're not a good person
on September 08, 2017

Not every opinion needs to be shared.

@loverchicka If I can hold 14 years of useless opinions, I'm quite sure others can as well.
on September 12, 2017

That's not what I mean, I mean sometimes we just hold so much emotion in and then something triggers it and it is just all out in the open
on September 11, 2017

Take it from me; some opinions are better off not shared. People don't 'pop', either, so no worries about that.
Take it from me; some opinions are better off not shared. People don't 'pop', either, so no worries about that.
on September 09, 2017

on September 08, 2017
on September 08, 2017

if you call people "libtards," "feminazis," "cucks," or "snowflakes," you're a terrible person.

@deprimefleur Actually, SJW stands for "social justice warrior." That just means you want equal rights and social justice. It's mostly used nowadays as a derogatory term, by anti-feminists who think it's bad to be a social justice warrior. Even though people have soiled the reputation of SJWs, they're not bad.
on September 18, 2017

ok but what abt the femnazi women who cry bc a man is "manspreading"
that's not even a real thing, like wow
that's not even a real thing, like wow
on September 08, 2017

@deprimefleur some people love to call us liberals "snowflakes" because we're "delicate." When THEY'RE the ones who are pitching a fit because Starbucks didn't say "Merry Christmas" on their cups.
on September 08, 2017
on September 08, 2017

Bellatrix may be a crazy bitch, but she, along with Narcissa and Tonks, are the best girls of Harry Potter.
Cinder and Salem may be evil, but they are two of the best girls in RWBY, Nora and Emerald taking third place under Velvet, and Coco taking first.
Cinder and Salem may be evil, but they are two of the best girls in RWBY, Nora and Emerald taking third place under Velvet, and Coco taking first.
on September 08, 2017