Keep dreaming
We all had dreams or has dreams, right. Well this will allow you to share your future dreams or just dreams that you may can remember. If you don't have dreams well just tell your nightmare.
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I know I haven't post much on this page and I should anyway I had a dream actually I had many dreams... about my I guess you can say boy friend one recently if I can remember is that I'm not sure what but I guess I was dying or something or I was guilty for a crime I didn't do and he was there to defend me and there with's werid tht I dream about him when I haven't really met.. .. (sorry guys it's hard to remember things when it's nearly 4 o clock in the morning here, See More though I hope you enjoy) I also dream while awake my imagination is very active hehe ok bye now
on September 04, 2016

I had a dream that I would get rejected by my only love in life, then it came true and I went into I raging depression that made look for online quizzesfor some reason. And that's the story of how I found this site, true story

Yeah, okay. Well for a start i had the dream of story and character development, wether it was for a videomgame, movie, or book
on July 07, 2016

Plus, this was only 18hours ago, so still hurts. How well, at least I found this site @silverwings
on July 07, 2016

I am fine, life isn't so good right now because I have lost almost everything, but since I am religious I have something to keep me from doing something drastic. But yeah, im fine. Thanks for caring though, I hope your doing well
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016

on July 07, 2016

Mt future dream is to be an artist. I love to draw and write stories. I mainly draw characters. But, That is my dream.

That is a good dream to have...Similar to mine...Follow your dreams, like a navigator following the Northern Star...navigate your way into your dream...and make it come true.
on July 08, 2016
on July 07, 2016

I don't really have any specific dreams at the moment, but I've always wanted to enhance and acknowledge my knowledge of being a writer/author and get a book published. I've been writing stories for about a year so far, and I've loved it. I love writing, and expressing my thoughts and ideas in my writing, and throwing my creativity in one place. I've worked very hard and endless hours in my writing. I'm trying my best to become more experienced and successful. I'm trying really See More hard, and boy, I'd do anything to get a book published. I'd be very happy and I hope to be successful in the future.

Sounds like we have the same dream :D kind of. I bet you will, and in glad you enjoy it :)
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016

I have wanted to be many things since I was, still am a child...but it was never really concrete as no one really supported any of my dreams....or pushed me to pursue them...they never have really done that...but now...on my final year of High School, they somewhat support my current dream which I actually hope to achieve unlike my previous "dreams"....My current hope and dream as I write under my incredibly warm blanket, is to become something in the Art field, to possibly become See More an Author as well....and possibly starting a youtube channel as well...I hope I can go to college to expand my art become something in the art field....maybe something in the game design art field...

Thank you both...You are probably the only ones orher than my sister or youtubers who have directly said that to me, and provided support...I must thank you both.
on July 07, 2016

So do I.
Also, don't worry if you don't have many supporters, because as long as that's your dream, and it's important to you, keep it up! Keep trying your best to achieve your goals and work hard to obtain your dreams.
We support you. Keep working hard to purse your dreams!
Also, don't worry if you don't have many supporters, because as long as that's your dream, and it's important to you, keep it up! Keep trying your best to achieve your goals and work hard to obtain your dreams.
We support you. Keep working hard to purse your dreams!
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016

My dream is Be a Youtuber and be a game maker

@silverwings I just pulished a story called My life is sad it's about my OC AntiJacksepticeye and how she became who she is
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016

I had many dreams at one time but than it was just narrow to one. I use to dream of being a famous singer, and yes I was pretty good well that was what people told me but no one really supported me so I gave up on that dream. Sad really :( but my surviving dream is that I want to be an author, I have so many stories and ideas,but I am bad about completing them. Haha, I gonna need help with that, well that all I can say.

I suppose we all have that problem, most of the time...but as for the support...You are the main pillar holding your dreams, you hold them high, and they will come true...You can be an amazing writer, you probably are too, better than I ever could be, but you must pursue your dream. Do what you love. Like the foundations of a well constructed building, your dreams See More will become your home, and one day...your dream will be built, and you will live within it... I hope you do become a great Author one day, and I wish you the best of luck in that as well.
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016

Dreams as in plans, or dreams from sleep....?
on July 07, 2016