Picking Numbers
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Pick a number(s) and ill tell you my:
1) height
2) best friend
3) relationship status
4) favourite movie
5) have or want any piercings See More
6) what i hate most about myself
7) Zodiac sign
8) what song i am currently listening to
9) top three favourite songs
10) top three favourite song artists
11) favourite song lyrics
12) what i find attractive
13) biggest phobia
14) number of girlfriends/boyfriends
15) favourite animal
16) favourite tv show
17) hottest celebrity
18) Create your own question
Pick a number(s) and ill tell you my:
1) height
2) best friend
3) relationship status
4) favourite movie
5) have or want any piercings See More
6) what i hate most about myself
7) Zodiac sign
8) what song i am currently listening to
9) top three favourite songs
10) top three favourite song artists
11) favourite song lyrics
12) what i find attractive
13) biggest phobia
14) number of girlfriends/boyfriends
15) favourite animal
16) favourite tv show
17) hottest celebrity
18) Create your own question
on June 23, 2016
17. Justin Timberlake
15. Wolf
19. Can't answer right now
5. want piercings See More