The Phobia Page
This is a page for peoples phobia's, I will post every single phobia and their description, feel free to comment and look through all the phobia's, if you have one of these phobia's feel free to comment. Feel free to ask for a membership, and most importantly don't mess me up PLEASE. I have over 500 phobias to post. Thanks!

Okay, for all those subscribed to this page. I am thinking of deleting this page due to the fact that it is extremely hard to keep adding to the phobia list. That or all members will be allowed to post down the phobias as they please. I really don't care. If you'd like this page to stay then let me know, otherwise this page will be getting deleted.
on March 02, 2017

Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.
on December 01, 2016
on June 06, 2015

Gerascophobia- Fear of growing old.
on June 06, 2015

Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear of crossing bridges.
on June 06, 2015