Doge Clan
I am the leader, and there are categories to this clan. Request membership for this page to be in the clan. Positions are made up by me, depending on if you just joined, or have been active, etc. My main positions are Leader- me, Co- Leader, Best Friend and Custom[custom is optional] ,[Custom] <-- make your username, Security, Regular Members, New Doges, and Undecided. Undecided for those who break rules.
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item
Bye for now My Doges! I shall be back later today or tomorrow.
~Your Loyal Doge Leader.
~Your Loyal Doge Leader.
Yes @Glutin_The_Yokai You are regular Doge Member. Be more active and I may move your rank up.
on May 12, 2016

nuuuu Loyal Doge Leader!! I bow down before you.....
on May 12, 2016

Can I be a Doge?
on May 12, 2016
on May 12, 2016
Ok, @XxusernamexX and @tylnapp are regular member for now. Be more active or ask and your rank may be moved up.
on May 12, 2016
on May 12, 2016
on May 12, 2016
I am going to list positions from least powerful to most powerful.
Undecided Doge
New Doge
Regular member/security (regular and security are same)
Best friend (Doge Leaders best friends and Best Friend Doges can have a custom name)
Co Leader (usually My Best friends and can also have custom name) See More
Leader (me)
If you have any questions about these positions or would like to be ranked up please ask me.
Undecided Doge
New Doge
Regular member/security (regular and security are same)
Best friend (Doge Leaders best friends and Best Friend Doges can have a custom name)
Co Leader (usually My Best friends and can also have custom name) See More
Leader (me)
If you have any questions about these positions or would like to be ranked up please ask me.
Ok, I DO somewhat know you. Would you like a custom name (make your own name like Random Doge or whatever but has to Be accepted by me)
on May 12, 2016
on May 12, 2016
Wow. Such pictures. Very Doge. Such page. Wow.
I am Doge Leader. Before we begin with the Dogeing, we need to choose everyDoges positions.
on May 12, 2016
on May 12, 2016
Ummm... Members, having problems in real life? I can help! You can talk to me here or private message, either way is fine.
on January 10, 2016

I, General Meowmeow the 2nd, extend a peas treaty wit teh doge clen.
on January 08, 2016
on January 06, 2016 Take my Doge quiz, to see if you really qualify to be in my Clan. [I will most likely accept you anyway. Doge loves new people]

Are You A Doge?
Well, are you a doge? Or are you just... A stalker who watches everyones actions?
on January 06, 2016
IF YOU ONLY SUSCRIBE YOU ARE NOT AND I REPEAT NOT AN OFFICIAL MEMBER. THOSE WHO SUSCRIBE ARE DOGE ALLIES. Sorry for the capitals. Doge Leader ate a chocolate cookie. I think it was too much for Doge.
on January 06, 2016