Adopted kids
this is for the kids who need help dealing with the fact that they have another family
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don't know what to do need help?
My birth Mother wants me to come down to Texas for the summer
what do I do?
My birth Mother wants me to come down to Texas for the summer
what do I do?
on April 16, 2015

has anyone ever been i contact with there birth families before?

I went back to Vietnam when I was three, but I haven't kept contact. I do know that my birth mom is married now.
on April 03, 2015

oh I'm sorry. my birth dad beat my birth mother and they fought around me and my big brother.
on March 26, 2015

They are bad people, and they abandoned me, my brother, and my sister at our grandmothers.
on March 26, 2015
on March 26, 2015

sometimes i wish my birth mother would have had an aborthion with me
on March 16, 2015

I am a foster child. I wish I was adopted...
on March 12, 2015

I'm adopted. My real mother was a prostitute, (No, I am NOT joking.) single, and a mother of six other children. So when she gave birth to me, she put my twin brother and I up for adoption.
on March 12, 2015

I feel bad for whoever is adopted :(

on April 03, 2015

on March 12, 2015
on March 12, 2015

i'm not adopted but i know many people who are and i support adoption as much as i can
on March 12, 2015

I'm adopted to I learned it at a young age. and I've been bullied because of it. that's why I made this page so the adopted kids have a safe zone. so to speak.
on March 12, 2015

I am adopted and proud of it and also very open about it. I don't really understand the whole...
-Me:Yeah, I'm adopted.
-People: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Like it was some 'Oliver Twist' story where I was orphaned and forced to live on the street or some crap. Far from it. I was from a rural part of Vietnam. I came from a loving family. So loving in fact that my young and single birth mom (she was in her early twenties) wanted a better life for me. And then I became a part of an American See More family full of so much love. So when people say "I'm sorry." I look at them and say, "Why?".
-Me:Yeah, I'm adopted.
-People: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Like it was some 'Oliver Twist' story where I was orphaned and forced to live on the street or some crap. Far from it. I was from a rural part of Vietnam. I came from a loving family. So loving in fact that my young and single birth mom (she was in her early twenties) wanted a better life for me. And then I became a part of an American See More family full of so much love. So when people say "I'm sorry." I look at them and say, "Why?".

Another thing that bothered me as a kid was kids who asked about my "real mom". Oh, you mean my "biological mom"? Because my real mom is right here. As if the mom who is here in the States raising me, caring for me, loving me is just a replacement. I should think not! It wasn't a big deal. They didn't know, but I mean... come on.
on March 12, 2015
on March 12, 2015

My brother's and sisters say I'm adopted, but my parents say no. But when my brothers and sisters say it it sounds like their joking, but they say it alot.

hey one thing about birth certificates is they get changed when your adopted but you are still you and that is all that matters
on March 12, 2015
on March 12, 2015

That's fine it just means that your family is bigger and better then most. I'm adopted too that's why I made this page.
on March 12, 2015