Armin's page of Drama Shelter!
Armin does not support drama. Become a member to hide from it! You can also RP here!

Armin: 9 members and 10 subs. Woah!
on November 09, 2015

Armin: *hides* Drama...
on November 09, 2015

Armin: Hey, guys! It's my birthday X3
on November 03, 2015

Armin: Ok, here's the plan! We'll apologize to the people who we may have had drama with, and then RUN!
Eren: I'm not apologizing to the titans!
Armin: How did you get here? -_-
Eren: I'm not apologizing to the titans!
Armin: How did you get here? -_-
on November 03, 2015

Armin: Guys, quick! Get into the drama shelter! There is drama out there 0_0
on November 03, 2015