Let's Debate
Pretty explanatory. You can debate anything to fandoms, relationships, politics, social lives, etc. Basic rules: these are debates not arguments (nothing anyone says is personal just their beliefs), all opinions and beliefs must be respected no matter how ridiculous they may seem to you, NO HATE WILL BE TOLERATED. There are more but I'll cover those later. Please request membership as I asked you to (the instructions or on the first post of the page).

Who is the better Doctor, David Tennant or Matt Smith.

Matt smith, he was joy full and kid like. David was to serious and every one seemed to get a crush on him so that kind of put me of him.
on February 12, 2015
on February 01, 2015

What do you think of teen magazines these days? Like J-14 and seventeen?

@TheSortingHat really? that's so terrible. I hate teen mags, I'm just sick of them not just because of the negative influence, but because they keep talking about the SAME PEOPLE.
on January 29, 2015

I don't pay attention to teen maganizes, but just from looking at the covers you can tell that these magazines negatively influence adolescents. The Photoshop pictures of celebrities that look all skinny, according to many studies, can damage teenage health because they want to look like something that's not even real.
on January 28, 2015

I don't read teen magazines, but I think that they have a horrible influence on young girls. A recent study showed that the main reason for girls under 10 years of age going on a diet was because of the photoshopped images found in mags.
on January 28, 2015
on January 28, 2015

Can money buy happiness? Why or why not.

Depends, if you bought an awesome frisbee yes.
But if you find gold straight from the ground the free no.
But if you find gold straight from the ground the free no.
on February 19, 2018

I think that it can, to a certain extent, buy happiness. I mean, homeless people living in cardboard boxes probably wish they had extra cash. But if you have too much money and you don't know what to do with it anymore, you won't really be that happy.
on January 31, 2015

Money can bring happiness because you can have things that you want and you don't have to worry about being bankrupt, etc. However money can't buy that real feeling of happiness. Money just makes life easier not happier.
on January 28, 2015
on January 28, 2015

Is vegetarianism ethical? I have been vegetarian for 2 years, and it's easy. I have many reasons which I will include in the comments. Please respect my decision. I mean, you can say why ur not one, but don't just say "Oh, cuz it's stupid." You could say "I don't see why I should." or something. But please don't criticize me for having 'a too soft side for animals' or calling me anorexic just cuz im on a diet >:3

I know! Like, here's the usual conversation:
Me: *Blah, blah*... I'm vegetarian!
Them: You mean... you don't even eat steak?
Me: •-• Um, that's what a vegetarian is...
Them: Vegetarians have no energy. See More
Me: Hank Aarons was a vegetarian. So was Michael Jackson. And Albert Einstein.
Me: *Blah, blah*... I'm vegetarian!
Them: You mean... you don't even eat steak?
Me: •-• Um, that's what a vegetarian is...
Them: Vegetarians have no energy. See More
Me: Hank Aarons was a vegetarian. So was Michael Jackson. And Albert Einstein.
on March 12, 2015

I'm vergitarian too!! :D I have been told that vegitarians are stupid because 'You don't eat bacon'. It's really annoying.
on March 12, 2015

It is in the human nature to eat animals- just like it is in lions and bears, etc. But since humans have evolved and notice the feelings of other animals, we've been more conscious of our impact. I think that the best thing you can do is buy organic meat- that way you know that the cow/pig/chicken had a happy life and not live and die in a factory. Vegetarianism See More is just as good, if not better. So what I'm saying is don't eat at fast-food restaurants, and only buy meat (or no meat!) with the little 'organic food' sticker.
on January 28, 2015

I perfectly agree with you, just I believe that since we're advancing in so many other technologies and such, humans should have found another way to eat a balanced diet. Btw, thanks 4 being nice :3
on January 28, 2015
See I understand that you don't want animals being eaten or killed, but the world has been that way since time began. Humans are naturally omnivores, so it is completely normal for our species to eat other animals. Think about it. There are millions of species of animals in the world that eat meat and they all eat other animals, but we think nothing of it because See More it's natural. We see a kingfisher swoop down and catch a fish and we say wish, that was actually pretty cool. Or we see monkeys eating bugs out if each other's hair and we say ew gross. But we never feel sorry for the fish or the bugs because it's natural. Humans are animals and its part of our healthy diet to each meat.
But that's just me.
But that's just me.
on January 28, 2015
on January 27, 2015

That Doctor Who should have ended with Smith.

I like Capaldie, he's funny and a good contrast to Smith and Tennant. Plus, are you saying you want Doctor Who to end? If Smith stayed the Doctor through out season 8 and 'till the end, wouldn't you get bored of him?
on March 12, 2015
on January 27, 2015

Homeschooling-Pro or Con?

on January 31, 2015

One of my cousins is homeschooled, whilst her sister goes to a public school. They got to choose, and that decision worked out for them. So it's all about what's best for you (not for your parents, etc.)
on January 31, 2015

Depends on what kind of person you are. If you are like me, then with homeschooling you don't have to be around a lot of people and you get to work at your own pace. But for extroverts, it's a con because they are alone (mostly).
on January 15, 2015

I'm homeschooled, and I don't really like it, I wish I went to school to socialize. But I have good socializing skills
on January 15, 2015

Personally, I think that homeschooling should be the kid's decision, not the parent's. It's all about what's best for the kid.
on January 14, 2015
on November 07, 2014

Which is better? Capitalism or socialism?

Really? This?
Venezuela is the poorest country in South America today because of Hugo Chavez’s “experiment” called socialism
We in America and japan seem to have little flaws with capitalism.
What do you see is better? I’m staying objective here.
Venezuela is the poorest country in South America today because of Hugo Chavez’s “experiment” called socialism
We in America and japan seem to have little flaws with capitalism.
What do you see is better? I’m staying objective here.
on February 19, 2018

LOL, you guys are here making like political debates and I'm like: Cheddar or Swiss cheese for like debate topics
on November 09, 2014
on November 07, 2014

Is the death penalty worth it? Or is it inhumane?

For some murderers, though, we're actually doing a favor to them by killing them, because they're so ashamed by what they've done that they *want* to die.
So maybe a better punishment would be letting them live the rest of their lives in prison, wondering why they killed an innocent human, forever trapped inside their own thoughts.
So maybe a better punishment would be letting them live the rest of their lives in prison, wondering why they killed an innocent human, forever trapped inside their own thoughts.
on January 31, 2015

Hammurabi's code was jacked up. Way too intense and severe. But the death penalty is a surefire way to ensure they won't ever hurt anyone and you get the message out that this isn't good.
on November 09, 2014

I know it was a bad code, but if you're a viscious child murderer I wouldn't exactly be like "Let's let this guy live!" If someone has bad intentions, they deserve a punishment. I think only the worst crimes like terrorism deserve death though.
on November 08, 2014
on October 19, 2014

Is it better to be safe or to be free?
Free. I'm sick to death of being authorized by other people when everyone is always banging on about equality. I just want to do whatever the hell I want without being told its dangerous or illegal or wrong.
on January 28, 2015

on November 07, 2014

Freedom is the most basic of human rights, and IS more important then being safe. For example, Pilgrims could've been safe if they renounced their religion and stayed in England. However, they chose to brave the New World-and have the FREEDOM of religion.
on October 19, 2014
on October 19, 2014

What do you think of Pennsylvania's law that LGBT community members are not legally protected by state law because homosexuality is a "crime"?
For more info read this: https://www.change.org/p/pennsylvania-governor-change-pa-hate-crime-law-to-include-sexual-orientation
For more info read this: https://www.change.org/p/pennsylvania-governor-change-pa-hate-crime-law-to-include-sexual-orientation

Petition · Change PA Hate Crime Law to include Sexual Orientation · Change.org
In Pennsylvania, LGBT community members are not legally protected by state law because sexual orientation isn’t included under its hate crime...

That's HORRIBLE! A persons sexual orientation should NOT affect how they are treated, and taking away their rights-that's a violation of a person's rights as a citizen.
on October 03, 2014
on September 30, 2014

What're your ideas about this? It's gotten me thinking.
What's more important, the good of the community or the good of the individual?
What's more important, the good of the community or the good of the individual?

I believe that being an individual is the best. If everyone is different, then it makes a community more open-minded. A good example of this is in schools, and how kids are told to be 'normal'. DON'T BE NORMAL! BE UNIQUE!
on January 14, 2015

I beleive the good of the individual becaise if every individual is good, the community will be good in a larger span
on October 19, 2014
on September 30, 2014

Scottish independence: Yes or no? I for one am really glad they voted no, but I'm still freaked out over how close the vote was. Any thoughts?

Sure. They can go out in their own if it fails, they will have to find a way to join back. No problems.
on February 19, 2018

Definitely, Scotland isn't large, well protected or economically stable enough to stand alone comfortably. It was sensible not to pick independence, and I think it's amazing how there wasn't a war over it. Couple of hundred years ago, there would have been war.
on October 10, 2014
on September 26, 2014

What is your opinion on pop music? Personally, I love it!
I'm fifteen and when someone says pop I think of pop from the 80's. I love Michael Jackson, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, Madonna, The Smiths, yeah that's the music I am passionate about
on January 28, 2015
on September 26, 2014

You guys choose the first debate unless you want me to put it out there for you guys but this is your page and I merely participate and mediate :3 Have fun!
on September 26, 2014

1) No hate comments i.e. no rude comments, no offensive material, behave only in a civilized manner
2) Respect all opinions and/ or beliefs
3) We are here to debate, not fight.
4) Do not gossip about people's beliefs
5) If your opponent opts out of the debate you stop immediately.
6) You follow all wishes of your fellow debaters. See More
7) If you are joining an argument after it's already started, make sure you know all the points that have been covered.
8) All debates will be monitored but if there is a problem or you feel someone is abusing these rules, you will come directly to myself but not speak of it until another soul until I give the all clear.
9) I run this page, you obey my rules. I am the one thing you do not argue with.
10) Have fun, this is supposed to be a fun activity not a war
To request Membership, you must repeat these words:
"I solemnly swear to follow all rules and be a fair and kind debater. I hereby ask membership so I can participate in the joys of Debate."
1) No hate comments i.e. no rude comments, no offensive material, behave only in a civilized manner
2) Respect all opinions and/ or beliefs
3) We are here to debate, not fight.
4) Do not gossip about people's beliefs
5) If your opponent opts out of the debate you stop immediately.
6) You follow all wishes of your fellow debaters. See More
7) If you are joining an argument after it's already started, make sure you know all the points that have been covered.
8) All debates will be monitored but if there is a problem or you feel someone is abusing these rules, you will come directly to myself but not speak of it until another soul until I give the all clear.
9) I run this page, you obey my rules. I am the one thing you do not argue with.
10) Have fun, this is supposed to be a fun activity not a war
To request Membership, you must repeat these words:
"I solemnly swear to follow all rules and be a fair and kind debater. I hereby ask membership so I can participate in the joys of Debate."

Ok- is it possible for you to turn posts onto 'everyone can post'? because I have a few good ideas, but nowhere to put them!
on January 28, 2015

"I solemnly swear to follow all rules and be a fair and kind debater. I hereby ask membership so I can participate in the joys of Debate."
Okay! can I join?
Okay! can I join?
on January 16, 2015

oh, thanks @JeweledOwl812. And to @Elleyd , "I solemnly swear to follow all rules and be a fair and kind debater. I hereby ask membership so I can participate in the joys of Debate."
on January 15, 2015
on September 26, 2014