The single page
This is a page were if your single you can meet another single person and hit it off
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Not long after we started dating, my boyfriend moved about an hour away, and we haven't really gotten to see each other much since. So, today, he texts me, and he sounded like he was obviously in a really bad mood, which really scared me. Then, finally, after I asked him, he said that the separation was bugging him, just like it had been bugging me over the last few months. When he asked me what I wanted to do about it, I told him about the same thing he's told me this whole See More time: as long as he wants to stay with me, I want to stay with him. Then, I told him that I loved him and didn't want to let him go, but there is nothing I can really do. If he wants to break up with me, I can't stop him, even though it will tear me apart. However, I left the choice up to him, and he said he had to think about it. That was hours ago.... The suspense is killing me, and I keep getting that bad feeling that I'm going to look at my phone and see the text t or missed message telling me that he wants to break up with me... D'X
on February 02, 2016

Dafuq is wrong with you all?! Go out and date in real life, it's fun, and a billion times better to date in person than online!
on January 23, 2016

on November 22, 2015

I think I'm single because I never forwarded those chain messages in middle school. You know, the ones where you had to forward the message, say your crush's name, and sell your soul or else you'll never meet your true love? That! That is why I'm single!

on July 22, 2015
on July 22, 2015

People: *Snaps* You don't need no significant other to make you happy!
Me: I don't NEED a luxury sports car, but would it be nice to have one? Yes! Yes, it would!
Me: I don't NEED a luxury sports car, but would it be nice to have one? Yes! Yes, it would!
on July 21, 2015

I'm single cause i'm too shy to make a move......or say hi to a person i dont know...or a friend...
on July 20, 2015

For anyone who says 'single as a Pringle'. Don't. Pringles are constantly spooning.
on July 20, 2015

Such a sad pup...
on July 20, 2015

I'm still subscribed? XD
on July 20, 2015

I'm Single
Not looking for anyone right at this moment
But, Music is very close to my heart <3
Not looking for anyone right at this moment
But, Music is very close to my heart <3
on July 20, 2015

Happily single, I hope I find my love
on July 20, 2015

on July 20, 2015

I'm not single, but good luck to all you single peeps!
on July 20, 2015

I`m only 12 so....
I`m only 12 so....

Buuuuut... How can a Pringle be single? It lives in a cardboard tube with 39 other Pringles. So how can it be single?
on July 09, 2015
on July 09, 2015