Smol bean zoo
This is a zoo full of smol beans. Please don't put your sticky out-y parts between the cage bars, as the smol beans tend to bite.

*casually building a pillow fort*
//I forgot abt this page til now oops
//I forgot abt this page til now oops
on September 14, 2016

*walks into my room in the exhibit*
on August 14, 2016

-comes indoors for soup-
on August 14, 2016

on August 09, 2016

*lying in bed and has a mound of blankets * So c-cold.
on August 09, 2016

*ears pin to head* I didn't come to this exhibit to be a nurse. I suck at caring!

on August 08, 2016
on August 08, 2016

*doing same but a lot more overdramatic and won't stop whining* Breeeeeee! Give me attention!
on August 08, 2016

on August 08, 2016

*goes back to hotel room and starts making pumpkin soup *
on August 08, 2016

on August 07, 2016