Jokes (1)
Do you have any jokes you want to share cause I have good ones hhh I don't care if the're inappropriate
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Nook:who Called me
Tshine:isabell come over here,no mean nook aruined the joke
Nook:who Called me
Tshine:isabell come over here,no mean nook aruined the joke
on February 04, 2016

There were two guys one named nobody and the other one stupid

Nobody fall out of the window stupid called the police and said nobody fell out of the window the police said are you stupid stupid said yes
on January 11, 2016
on January 11, 2016

Kid:dad I'm hungry
Dad:nice to meet you,I'm dad
Kid:dad I'm serious
Dad:oh I though you were hungry
Mom:no I'm mom
Dad:nice to meet you,I'm dad
Kid:dad I'm serious
Dad:oh I though you were hungry
Mom:no I'm mom
on January 11, 2016

on January 11, 2016