That Moment When...
This is the page for all those strange, irritating, crazy and funny moments!
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That moment when you probably think I'm so weird when you read my last posts. :D
on May 25, 2014

on May 25, 2014

...and that moment when you realise that it makes sense because Chip and Lefou both have squeaky voices...
on May 25, 2014

...and that moment when you start thinking about how weird it would be if we got different parts...
on May 25, 2014

That moment when you're looking through old school photos and...the hair of some people in your year... :O :P :D
on May 25, 2014

That moment when you're watching 13 (the musical) videos, and someone says in the comments, "Charlotte is really good. I wish I knew her name so I could see if she's famous." :D
on May 25, 2014
on May 25, 2014
on May 25, 2014

that moment when your ex (the one you broke up with) thinks you are jealous of thier current relationship and they walk up to you and are like " you will find someone"
on May 20, 2014

That moment when you comment your own opinion or/and thought on something and the owner of it thinks you're a "hater" but is being rude and disrespectful.

@niagirl484 shut up...she's not hating. If you can't handle her awesomeness then just leave her alone you **shole.
on December 03, 2014

Age does not matter. I do not know where you aren't understanding this.
Also, You were the one who started this, if you had a problem with that one comment, you could've deleted it.
Also, You were the one who started this, if you had a problem with that one comment, you could've deleted it.
on May 19, 2014

Also, I have the right to speak, but not to be heard. This is America! I have that right! I don't know where you are. But I have that right. So you need to back off.
on May 17, 2014

How do you know if I was speaking of you? I may be speaking of another user, someone in the past, or someone on Colors! 3D.
on May 17, 2014
on May 16, 2014

That moment when you want to start texting people in a group, but at the same time you don't want to, because if no one replies you'll look like a loner. :D
on May 15, 2014

That moment when you and your best friend are the only weirdos texting in a group.
on May 14, 2014
on May 14, 2014

That moment when you get out of bed to go to the bathroom, come back a few minutes later and your cat is sleeping on your pillow.. This happens to me a lot!!
on May 14, 2014

That moment when you're playing online with a bunch of your friends with your mic on having a meowing conversation with your cat.

on December 26, 2014
on May 14, 2014

on May 14, 2014
than moment when you walk into ur BFs tent and he's not hearing any clothes
on May 15, 2014
on May 14, 2014

That moment when your friend goes up to the guy she slapped a few days ago and says, "I'm very sorry for slapping you." and slaps him again... :O
(This happened today!! Haha :D )
(This happened today!! Haha :D )

And then when he's on the escalator later, he shouts down to her, "Why did you smack me?"...
on May 13, 2014
on May 13, 2014

That moment when your story is one of the Random Stories on the Qfeast home page. :D
on May 13, 2014

That moment when Camila Cabello read TFIOS and you completely freak out. :D
on May 13, 2014