Roleplay Page
This is where anyone can roleplay as their OC. I plan to use many of my oc's
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What;'s up?
on September 05, 2018

on September 05, 2018
on September 05, 2018

Arika was walking down the street searching for someone to kill... some kind of kill to satisfy her thirst for blood.

(Sorry for late reply I was asleep)
Arika noticed a faint figure in the distance.
She began to walk towards them.
Arika noticed a faint figure in the distance.
She began to walk towards them.
on August 19, 2018
on August 18, 2018

Name: Alexia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Hybrid
Powers: Shapeshifting, speed, strength
Strength: Shadows
Weaknesses: Light
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Hybrid
Powers: Shapeshifting, speed, strength
Strength: Shadows
Weaknesses: Light
on August 18, 2018

Name: Jynx Moonblood
Age: 16, almOSt 17, as he constantly reminds anyone who asks.
Gender: Boyo
Species: Hylian
Powers: Haha none he don't need that magical shit
Strength: He's a strong boyo and he's fast.
Weaknesses: Total pyrophobe and doesn't like water very much. See More
Looks: He's tall and slim with pale skin and narrow, red eyes. He has really fluffy, super spiky, purple hair and often wears a black jacket with a red trim, or a dark gray hoodie with a black Tri-force baseball cap, depending on the rp.
Name: Ivy Blanc
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Hylian
Powers: None
Strength: Lifting, gymnastics.
Weaknesses: Bad swimmer.
Looks: She's short and muscular, with big legs, muscular arms, and a slim waist. She has wavy, often tied back, honey-colored hair and light green eyes. Her face is dotted with freckles. She often wears a plain blue dress or a white hoodie and blue denim shorts, depending on the rp.
Name: Salaria Epica
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Ordonian
Powers: None
Strength: Climbing trees, vines, and anything else climbable. Good runner.
Weaknesses: Allergic to horses.
Looks: She has light, chocolate-brown skin and green eyes. She has long - REALLY LONG - jet black hair that she often ties back in intricate braids. She often has some henna somewhere on her at any given moment. Normally wears baggy cargo pants and a black tank top.
Age: 16, almOSt 17, as he constantly reminds anyone who asks.
Gender: Boyo
Species: Hylian
Powers: Haha none he don't need that magical shit
Strength: He's a strong boyo and he's fast.
Weaknesses: Total pyrophobe and doesn't like water very much. See More
Looks: He's tall and slim with pale skin and narrow, red eyes. He has really fluffy, super spiky, purple hair and often wears a black jacket with a red trim, or a dark gray hoodie with a black Tri-force baseball cap, depending on the rp.
Name: Ivy Blanc
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Hylian
Powers: None
Strength: Lifting, gymnastics.
Weaknesses: Bad swimmer.
Looks: She's short and muscular, with big legs, muscular arms, and a slim waist. She has wavy, often tied back, honey-colored hair and light green eyes. Her face is dotted with freckles. She often wears a plain blue dress or a white hoodie and blue denim shorts, depending on the rp.
Name: Salaria Epica
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Ordonian
Powers: None
Strength: Climbing trees, vines, and anything else climbable. Good runner.
Weaknesses: Allergic to horses.
Looks: She has light, chocolate-brown skin and green eyes. She has long - REALLY LONG - jet black hair that she often ties back in intricate braids. She often has some henna somewhere on her at any given moment. Normally wears baggy cargo pants and a black tank top.
on August 18, 2018

Name: Amulet
Age: idk
Gender: female (gets mixed alot)
Species: Object (mcsm amulet ripoff)
Powers: she is able to luminate and use her lumination as a tracking device
Strength: her lights See More
Weaknesses: water, tar, being alone/abandoned
Name: Amulet
Age: idk
Gender: female (gets mixed alot)
Species: Object (mcsm amulet ripoff)
Powers: she is able to luminate and use her lumination as a tracking device
Strength: her lights See More
Weaknesses: water, tar, being alone/abandoned
on August 18, 2018

Name: Lumerisk Parker
Age: 16
Gender: male
Species: human
Powers: light manipulation
Strength: light, cooking, cooperation
Weaknesses: being alone, spiders, idk
Age: 16
Gender: male
Species: human
Powers: light manipulation
Strength: light, cooking, cooperation
Weaknesses: being alone, spiders, idk
on August 18, 2018

(rp anyone?)
Lukas: *exploring the woods*
Lukas: *exploring the woods*

Amulet: huh? *she is very light, like really light* (ive been offline for a LONG time)
on October 29, 2018

Amulet: *wakes up* Gah! Bear! *runs, trips on a rock, and almost falls into a ravine* what the.
on August 18, 2018
on August 18, 2018

Arika was waking through the streets.
Her white hair blending with the snow that had freshly fallen.
Her red eyes looking around the landscape searching for anyone to be among the coldness of the night air.
Her white hair blending with the snow that had freshly fallen.
Her red eyes looking around the landscape searching for anyone to be among the coldness of the night air.

I’m not really human.”
(Sorry for late reply was watching Doctor Who with mah dad)
I’m not really human.”
(Sorry for late reply was watching Doctor Who with mah dad)
on August 19, 2018

Luna smiled and nodded, ever so gently nuzzling her "It would be nice for Jason to have some human friends for a change"
on August 19, 2018

You mean it?” She smiled excitedly,wrapping the kind hearted dragon in a hug.
You mean it?” She smiled excitedly,wrapping the kind hearted dragon in a hug.
on August 19, 2018
on August 17, 2018

Name: Maria/ Jake Akina
Age: 17
Gender: Gender Fluid
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Human
Powers: Flight, sommoning and talking to dragons See More
Strength: Being around people they love, calming down an upset or angry person
Weaknesses: Rubbish at hand to hand combat, easily falls in love
Name: Maria/ Jake Akina
Age: 17
Gender: Gender Fluid
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Human
Powers: Flight, sommoning and talking to dragons See More
Strength: Being around people they love, calming down an upset or angry person
Weaknesses: Rubbish at hand to hand combat, easily falls in love
on August 17, 2018

Powers:Fire teleport five more form
Strength: fast reflex hand to hand combat
Weaknesses: Friend lot of pressure can make him snap
Powers:Fire teleport five more form
Strength: fast reflex hand to hand combat
Weaknesses: Friend lot of pressure can make him snap
on August 17, 2018

Anyone wanna rp?
on August 17, 2018

Name: Arika
Gender: Female
Species: Dilclonius
Powers: Lucy’s powas from Elfen lied (skip to 2:27)
Strength: lotta stuff
Weakness:switches back to normal mode and has no control over it. See More
(Innocent form)
Name: Ari
Gender: Female
Powers: never uses them cause she innocent
Strength: stuff
Weakness: to nice.
Won’t attack.
Gender: Female
Species: Dilclonius
Powers: Lucy’s powas from Elfen lied (skip to 2:27)
Strength: lotta stuff
Weakness:switches back to normal mode and has no control over it. See More
(Innocent form)
Name: Ari
Gender: Female
Powers: never uses them cause she innocent
Strength: stuff
Weakness: to nice.
Won’t attack.

Elfen lied - Lucy VS Bando - English Dubbed - Episode 2
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on August 17, 2018

Name: Lukas
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Powers: Fire, teleportation, telekenisis
Strength: Fire and light
Weaknesses: Water
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Powers: Fire, teleportation, telekenisis
Strength: Fire and light
Weaknesses: Water
on August 17, 2018

on August 17, 2018

on August 17, 2018