Apocalypse RP
Global warming has caused a rise in tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes and volcanoes around the world. In the year 2114, the power has been cut in most areas of the world.

Pheonix: *Gingerly stepping over a pile of rubble*

Carter: *lowers his gun*
on September 27, 2014

on September 27, 2014

Carter: Are you really arguing this?
on September 27, 2014

Pheonix: After you shot me -_- :/
on September 27, 2014

Carter: You did just stab me in the leg and I warned you plenty of times.
on September 27, 2014
on September 25, 2014

*Date: July 2, 2114 --> Separate Ways: Melody - Family Matters*
*Time: 0600 - X hours*
Melody: *seeing the woman lower her gun, she sighed in relief*
*part of her had been terrified that she was going to pull the trigger*
Now let's get back before they get too far away...*feeling exhausted*
*fighting her rollercoaster of emotions, she wore a blank expression*
*turning, she started walking back towards the hole in the ground that was "home"* See More
Bess...I need to have a word with you, can you walk with me?
*she asked as she walked past her, not stopping though to get a little distance from everyone*
*Time: 0600 - X hours*
Melody: *seeing the woman lower her gun, she sighed in relief*
*part of her had been terrified that she was going to pull the trigger*
Now let's get back before they get too far away...*feeling exhausted*
*fighting her rollercoaster of emotions, she wore a blank expression*
*turning, she started walking back towards the hole in the ground that was "home"* See More
Bess...I need to have a word with you, can you walk with me?
*she asked as she walked past her, not stopping though to get a little distance from everyone*

Bess:*shakes it off, realising she's lost her only family* It's fine, you're probably right. *muttering the last words, another thing to add to her list of blames on her head* We'll find them. One way or another.
on September 26, 2014

Melody: Bess...*she stopped walking, looking at her*
The second my dad said he wanted to leave...you should have told me...
Even if that meant screaming it to me, we didn't go that far away...
*pausing, to let the message sink in, she sighed, seeing her annoyed look*
I'm sorry...*walking away quickly, she wrapped her arms around herself*
The second my dad said he wanted to leave...you should have told me...
Even if that meant screaming it to me, we didn't go that far away...
*pausing, to let the message sink in, she sighed, seeing her annoyed look*
I'm sorry...*walking away quickly, she wrapped her arms around herself*
on September 26, 2014
on September 22, 2014

*Date: July 2, 2114 --> Separate Ways: David - Underground Sanctuary*
*Time: 0500 - X hours*
David: *he could only stand and watch the last piece of his life leave him*
*there's nothing he wanted more than to run after her, tell her that she was his life*
*he couldn't bring himself to move from that spot though, and soon she disappeared from sight*
*lowering his head, he felt completely betrayed, and left alone*
*aware that Carter was still standing there, he sighed, and grabbed See More his gun*
I'm not leaving the area, but I'm going away for a few days...
If I find your sister, I'll bring her back. I need time to think...
*with that said, he gathered his meager supplies and headed off, destination unknown*
*thinking: I'm sorry Melody, honestly I am...*
*Time: 0500 - X hours*
David: *he could only stand and watch the last piece of his life leave him*
*there's nothing he wanted more than to run after her, tell her that she was his life*
*he couldn't bring himself to move from that spot though, and soon she disappeared from sight*
*lowering his head, he felt completely betrayed, and left alone*
*aware that Carter was still standing there, he sighed, and grabbed See More his gun*
I'm not leaving the area, but I'm going away for a few days...
If I find your sister, I'll bring her back. I need time to think...
*with that said, he gathered his meager supplies and headed off, destination unknown*
*thinking: I'm sorry Melody, honestly I am...*

Scout: *When running away, he had run into Jamie. Sensing his distress, she investigates in the shadows*
on October 25, 2014

David: *letting him go, he watched the man leave, he sighed*
Something is going on around here...*throwing the bandages back into this pack*
A dictatorship? Like hell if I want any part of this...*he gathered up his supplies*
*about ready to leave, he still had his weapon drawn, looking at it*
I'm going to right a wrong that should have been done years ago. See More
*he was about to leave, but he felt himself being watched again, his senses on high alert*
Something is going on around here...*throwing the bandages back into this pack*
A dictatorship? Like hell if I want any part of this...*he gathered up his supplies*
*about ready to leave, he still had his weapon drawn, looking at it*
I'm going to right a wrong that should have been done years ago. See More
*he was about to leave, but he felt himself being watched again, his senses on high alert*
on October 25, 2014

Scout: Greg! Jamie's dad! He strict with her and overly protective. He runs the camp under a strict system. I need this! I have no other choice. I shouldn't tell you anything else!
on October 25, 2014

David: *taking his arm, not allowing his to escape that easily*
What old man? *demanding info now, feeling sudden duped*
Is it that same one Jamie was talking to!? *keeping his voice low, but firm*
Answer me...*he growled, ready to throw more alcohol on his wound*
Who whipped you!? Who is this old man!? And who the f*ck does he think he is controlling people See More like this!?
What old man? *demanding info now, feeling sudden duped*
Is it that same one Jamie was talking to!? *keeping his voice low, but firm*
Answer me...*he growled, ready to throw more alcohol on his wound*
Who whipped you!? Who is this old man!? And who the f*ck does he think he is controlling people See More like this!?
on October 25, 2014

Scout: *Screaming out in pain* Aaaaaahhh! Punishment! God damnit! Punishment. 12 lashings for breaking cover. It's fine! I'll be fine! I don't want to get into more trouble with the old man. *Trying to get away*
on October 25, 2014
on September 19, 2014

Name: Greg Stellans
Age: 45
Appearance: lemme work on that
Family/friends: A wife, Laura and daughter Jamie
Backstory: He was a construction worker and his wife was a nurse. When bad things started happening he knew of the vast underground networks of the city and set up shelter there. He runs a sort of safe haven, though he's particular about who lets in and is very secretive of it's whereabouts. With help from some fellow refugees, they have access to water and limited electricity. See More
Extra: Food supply is short so they often go on runs. Also, Greg is very set in his ways. He dislikes change and challenge.
Age: 45
Appearance: lemme work on that
Family/friends: A wife, Laura and daughter Jamie
Backstory: He was a construction worker and his wife was a nurse. When bad things started happening he knew of the vast underground networks of the city and set up shelter there. He runs a sort of safe haven, though he's particular about who lets in and is very secretive of it's whereabouts. With help from some fellow refugees, they have access to water and limited electricity. See More
Extra: Food supply is short so they often go on runs. Also, Greg is very set in his ways. He dislikes change and challenge.

Name: Jamie Stellans
Age: 15
Family: Her parents
Backstory: Not much to tell other than the fact that she has had to grow up before she was ready and is now considered a leader.
Extra: She works as a liaison between above and below ground. She's the beacon for incoming people and also a part of security. She'll kick your butt.
Age: 15
Family: Her parents
Backstory: Not much to tell other than the fact that she has had to grow up before she was ready and is now considered a leader.
Extra: She works as a liaison between above and below ground. She's the beacon for incoming people and also a part of security. She'll kick your butt.
on September 15, 2014
on September 15, 2014

*Date: July 2, 2114 --> Reliving Memories*
*Time: 0200 - 0600 hours*
Melody: *dreaming*
*Jess: David...just save her...save Melody...please...*
*she watched her mom beg her dad, as the assassin's held a gun to her head and her mom's*
*Jess: David listen to me, I don't care what orders are from above! Save your daughter!*
*Melody: Dad...don't worry about me...* See More
*she didn't want to come between her parents*
*Melody: Just know that I love you, regardless.*
*she saw her mother tear up, as did her father*
*Assassin: Choose now or lose both of them. Three...two...one...*
*David: My daughter...save her...*
*he fell to his knees, tears running down his face*
*David: I don't care about orders...*
*with that, Melody looked over and saw the assassin shoot her mom*
*hearing the gunshot, she snapped wide awake*
*Time: 0200 - 0600 hours*
Melody: *dreaming*
*Jess: David...just save her...save Melody...please...*
*she watched her mom beg her dad, as the assassin's held a gun to her head and her mom's*
*Jess: David listen to me, I don't care what orders are from above! Save your daughter!*
*Melody: Dad...don't worry about me...* See More
*she didn't want to come between her parents*
*Melody: Just know that I love you, regardless.*
*she saw her mother tear up, as did her father*
*Assassin: Choose now or lose both of them. Three...two...one...*
*David: My daughter...save her...*
*he fell to his knees, tears running down his face*
*David: I don't care about orders...*
*with that, Melody looked over and saw the assassin shoot her mom*
*hearing the gunshot, she snapped wide awake*

Bess:It's nearly nightfall, we're never going to find anyone in this light. Besides, we need to figure out a way round the fault. *the earthquake still ringing fresh in her ears*
on September 27, 2014

Bess:Where? She's still in the middle of all of them. *gesturing to the others* Besides, I can still keep an eye on her. *almost tired of constantly keeping watch*
on September 27, 2014
on September 15, 2014

Name: Ethan Wallace
Age: 19
Appearance: (Pic)
Family/friends: Dead for all he knows.
Backstory: He was on the road with some friends to have some fun. That's when this apocalypse started. None of his friends for it but Ethan knew they would have to stick together if they were ever going to survive this, needless to say he took over as leader. They eventually found a place to reside and joined another group but they were all younger than even the youngest of Ethan's group. Things See More were going good, too good, it was in a fateful accident that every single member of the team was wiped out, except for two, Ethan and Sarah. Ethan promised that he would take care of her, that he wouldn't let anything hurt her, but he shouldn't have made a promise he couldn't keep. Sarah died of an illness unknown to Ethan, and he had to watch her slowly suffer.
Extra: Ethan is disconnected from the world now. He doesn't like to be in groups anymore so he travels alone and is eternally scared from his tragedy.
Age: 19
Appearance: (Pic)
Family/friends: Dead for all he knows.
Backstory: He was on the road with some friends to have some fun. That's when this apocalypse started. None of his friends for it but Ethan knew they would have to stick together if they were ever going to survive this, needless to say he took over as leader. They eventually found a place to reside and joined another group but they were all younger than even the youngest of Ethan's group. Things See More were going good, too good, it was in a fateful accident that every single member of the team was wiped out, except for two, Ethan and Sarah. Ethan promised that he would take care of her, that he wouldn't let anything hurt her, but he shouldn't have made a promise he couldn't keep. Sarah died of an illness unknown to Ethan, and he had to watch her slowly suffer.
Extra: Ethan is disconnected from the world now. He doesn't like to be in groups anymore so he travels alone and is eternally scared from his tragedy.
on September 14, 2014

Nix: *trudges up the rubbish ridden path, wary*

Nix: *softly* Look what us humans have done. Pollution everywhere. And climate change, raging illness. It's mostly our fault.
on September 14, 2014
on September 14, 2014

*Date: July 1, 2114 --> Arrival in Florida*
*Time: 2000 hours*
Melody: *she looked over the landscape, and sighed inwardly to herself*
*thinking: I can only image what this place might have looked like at one point...*
*it had been the same everywhere they traveled, the land and cities destroyed*
*ever since they left the safety of the military base, things had gone from bad to worse*
Dad...*she called to him, placing a hand on David's shoulder* See More
Look...*pointing with her free hand, she frowned at the darkening sky*
David: *they had been walking in silence for over an hour*
*hearing his daughter call to him, he followed her direction*
*seeing the sky, he frowned, and his gaze quickly went over the landscape*
Come on, we need to move...*knowing they didn't have long before it was over them*
*running forward, he slung his battle rifle on his back*
*finding a sturdy looking building that wasn't too destroyed*
*he motioned her forward, and looked back at the sky, feeling the wind pick up*
*sighing, he followed after her, praying for yet another miracle*
*Time: 2000 hours*
Melody: *she looked over the landscape, and sighed inwardly to herself*
*thinking: I can only image what this place might have looked like at one point...*
*it had been the same everywhere they traveled, the land and cities destroyed*
*ever since they left the safety of the military base, things had gone from bad to worse*
Dad...*she called to him, placing a hand on David's shoulder* See More
Look...*pointing with her free hand, she frowned at the darkening sky*
David: *they had been walking in silence for over an hour*
*hearing his daughter call to him, he followed her direction*
*seeing the sky, he frowned, and his gaze quickly went over the landscape*
Come on, we need to move...*knowing they didn't have long before it was over them*
*running forward, he slung his battle rifle on his back*
*finding a sturdy looking building that wasn't too destroyed*
*he motioned her forward, and looked back at the sky, feeling the wind pick up*
*sighing, he followed after her, praying for yet another miracle*

(I'll pretend it's before the whole elevator thing, so my ocs aren't in different places at once)
on September 15, 2014

on September 15, 2014
on September 14, 2014

Name: Melody (Mimi) Evans
Age: 17
Family/Friends: After the natural disasters started becoming more fierce, she was forced to follow her dad to an underground base, leaving behind any friends that she might have had before the world turned self destructive. The only person she has close to her left is her father, David.
Backstory: A junior in high school, she excelled in academics, however because of her fathers job and background, she was forced to move constantly, traveling See More from high school to high school. This has had an adverse affect on her, for she finds it hard to make friends. This is because she hates having to leave them all the time, and thus, she has become somewhat a loner.
Personality: Very kind and respectful, however she is very shy with someone she doesn't know. She will go out of her way to try and help others, remembering what it was like to lose a loved one that was close to her (her mother).
Extra: Because her dad always feared a terrorist attack, or something that was life altering, he trained her in firearms handling and basic first aid. She didn't particularly care for the firearms, but she became increasing interesting in medicine. Driven by this interest, she has read several medical books about different types of medicine and diseases and about the human body.
Age: 17
Family/Friends: After the natural disasters started becoming more fierce, she was forced to follow her dad to an underground base, leaving behind any friends that she might have had before the world turned self destructive. The only person she has close to her left is her father, David.
Backstory: A junior in high school, she excelled in academics, however because of her fathers job and background, she was forced to move constantly, traveling See More from high school to high school. This has had an adverse affect on her, for she finds it hard to make friends. This is because she hates having to leave them all the time, and thus, she has become somewhat a loner.
Personality: Very kind and respectful, however she is very shy with someone she doesn't know. She will go out of her way to try and help others, remembering what it was like to lose a loved one that was close to her (her mother).
Extra: Because her dad always feared a terrorist attack, or something that was life altering, he trained her in firearms handling and basic first aid. She didn't particularly care for the firearms, but she became increasing interesting in medicine. Driven by this interest, she has read several medical books about different types of medicine and diseases and about the human body.
on September 14, 2014

Name: David Evans
Age: 38
Family/Friends: He survived the initial disasters with his daughter, hiding in an underground bunker that was designed as a military base. However, the unit that survived with them is running low on supplies and have decided to save on supplies, loved ones would have to leave. David couldn't bear sending his daughter to her death, so he left along with her. The two are now traveling across the land, trying to scavenge any useful supplies.
Backstory: See More He was a part of a special unit in the military that was formed in order to keep an eye on certain high priority targets across seas and in the United States. However, after an operation to capture one of these targets went bad, the target found out his identity, and targeted his family. After a long chain of events, he was forced to choose his wife's life, or his daughters.
Personality: Working for the military has hardened him. He only shows a soft spot for his daughter anymore, losing hope that people could ever be good, thanks to the death of his wife and the abandonment of his team. He is not quick to warm up to others, although once he does, whomever it is will become almost like family to him.
Extra: He carries around a high powered battle rifle, the same one that he had been using for years now. He is an expert sniper, with high grades in all weapon handling. Also carries a dagger on his belt, for close quarters combat.
Age: 38
Family/Friends: He survived the initial disasters with his daughter, hiding in an underground bunker that was designed as a military base. However, the unit that survived with them is running low on supplies and have decided to save on supplies, loved ones would have to leave. David couldn't bear sending his daughter to her death, so he left along with her. The two are now traveling across the land, trying to scavenge any useful supplies.
Backstory: See More He was a part of a special unit in the military that was formed in order to keep an eye on certain high priority targets across seas and in the United States. However, after an operation to capture one of these targets went bad, the target found out his identity, and targeted his family. After a long chain of events, he was forced to choose his wife's life, or his daughters.
Personality: Working for the military has hardened him. He only shows a soft spot for his daughter anymore, losing hope that people could ever be good, thanks to the death of his wife and the abandonment of his team. He is not quick to warm up to others, although once he does, whomever it is will become almost like family to him.
Extra: He carries around a high powered battle rifle, the same one that he had been using for years now. He is an expert sniper, with high grades in all weapon handling. Also carries a dagger on his belt, for close quarters combat.
on September 14, 2014

Name: Pheonix (Nix) Blakewood
Age: 18
Appearance: (I'll post a pic)
Family/friends: None
Backstory: Her parents died before the apocalypse due to an unknown illness that later raged. She was left alone to survive by herself. She learned combat and important survival skills, so was more prepared than most for the apocalypse.
Personality: fierce, hardened by suffering, street-smart, very intelligent, brave, sarcastic
Extra: See More
1. She carries around a dagger in her left boot and a pistol. She also carries a survival backpack with food, matches, ammo, etc.
2. She secretly likes to read and write and will sometimes snag a book from a bookstore
Age: 18
Appearance: (I'll post a pic)
Family/friends: None
Backstory: Her parents died before the apocalypse due to an unknown illness that later raged. She was left alone to survive by herself. She learned combat and important survival skills, so was more prepared than most for the apocalypse.
Personality: fierce, hardened by suffering, street-smart, very intelligent, brave, sarcastic
Extra: See More
1. She carries around a dagger in her left boot and a pistol. She also carries a survival backpack with food, matches, ammo, etc.
2. She secretly likes to read and write and will sometimes snag a book from a bookstore
on September 14, 2014

Name: Kelly Inkins but she goes by Ki
Age: 18
Appearance: I'll upload a pic
Family/friends: All are dead as far as she knows
Backstory: She lived a good life in Florida and was touring colleges when the apocalypse hit. All of Florida was submerged by massive tidal waves killing everyone and everything she knew. She joined a survivor group and they taught her many skills but when she was out collecting food a massive storm hit and killed her entire group. Now, out of fear of bonding See More with those who will just die, she has cut herself from all other contact and only stays sane because of her dog, Inka.
Extra: She has a very strange love/ hate relationship with water.
Name: Carter Inkins
Age: 19
Appearance: I'll upload a pic
Family/friends: He hopes his sister, Kelly is still alive
Backstory:He survived the tidal waves because he was able to get to a water tower and stay there. Now he's looking for his sister.
Extra: He always wears a mask because he has bad scars on his face.
Age: 18
Appearance: I'll upload a pic
Family/friends: All are dead as far as she knows
Backstory: She lived a good life in Florida and was touring colleges when the apocalypse hit. All of Florida was submerged by massive tidal waves killing everyone and everything she knew. She joined a survivor group and they taught her many skills but when she was out collecting food a massive storm hit and killed her entire group. Now, out of fear of bonding See More with those who will just die, she has cut herself from all other contact and only stays sane because of her dog, Inka.
Extra: She has a very strange love/ hate relationship with water.
Name: Carter Inkins
Age: 19
Appearance: I'll upload a pic
Family/friends: He hopes his sister, Kelly is still alive
Backstory:He survived the tidal waves because he was able to get to a water tower and stay there. Now he's looking for his sister.
Extra: He always wears a mask because he has bad scars on his face.
on September 14, 2014

Name:Bess Jordan
Appearance:Curly wild dark hair, tall
Family/friends:A little sister (9) , parents killed in an earthquake while they were at work.
Backstory:Parents killed while they were at school, about two weeks ago. Coping hard, steals food from stores in the chaos, trying not to fall apart while her sister is alive
Appearance:Curly wild dark hair, tall
Family/friends:A little sister (9) , parents killed in an earthquake while they were at work.
Backstory:Parents killed while they were at school, about two weeks ago. Coping hard, steals food from stores in the chaos, trying not to fall apart while her sister is alive
on September 14, 2014