Homestuck shippers, UNITE!
Ship something? Karezi? Nepkat? Solferi? ANYTHING is allowed here! exept for sibling rivalry get that shit outta here
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

>:33 < guess what? ITS NOTP DAY! i know im evil but im just curious!

(im going to regret this)
on September 13, 2015
on September 13, 2015

on September 13, 2015

:cc < why is almost no one posting? i wanna see mewr favorite ships! >;33
on September 07, 2015

:33 < who wants to try something i made up fur this group? reply to tell me if mew want to or not!

:33 < i found a game on mewgrounds that i wanted to try something with: everyone sets their nicknames as their otp and we s33 who conquers them all! try to spread the word fur me, purrease!
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015

:33 < i have to go eat! remember, shipping is fun! bye for a short time!
on September 06, 2015

:33 < f33l fr33 to post all that mew want as long as mew like the ship! just try not to post sibling rivalry if mew can help it.
on September 06, 2015