Racism is a problem and WE NEED TO STOP IT! It is immature and WRONG and it should be STOPPED!!!
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Why do people keep talking about homophobia and gay rights on this page? This page is about racism and the two topics are completely different.
on November 01, 2015

Anyone tired of racism? I've made a pretty big deal when it comes to the subject but to be fair I get affended to. One thing that I did not mention was the fact that only certain types of people are used as "racism dumbies". Mostly African Americans although I'm going to play devil's adicate and defend some white people. (sorry I dunno what else to call you guys since most people who are "white" are different heritages.) When people mention racism who is the first person they See More point to. White people. I'll admit that white people are the reason that segragtion in America was a thing it is NOT the real reason for slavery. Actually it was African Americans who used their own people as slaves. They stole men away from their families while they left the mothers and children. So you African Americans who are racist just look at the history because as bad as white people are, they aren't the only reason for racism. Although to be fair during those times, Europe did talk with all the countries about what to do with Africa without bringing in African leaders. We (mexicans, italians, african americans, japanese, chinese, indian, germany, polish, sweedish, ect.) are just as racist as they are. I was so p*ssed when my friend made a joke today about wanting to smack every mexican. He even smacked me and I got even more angry and ya wanna know why? Because of the fact that some people are not treated as human beings because of their race. Um hello did I suddenly turn into a griffin? No? Then why are you treating me like you just jumped onto a plane and rode it into Kanto bruh? Because your acting like a trainer and all of us who are a different ethnicity are the pokemon that you are using to battle and hurt. God Its so annoying
on May 27, 2015

So I have a very interesting question for you guys:
If someone makes a racist joke or a joke using a stereotype is it wrong? If clearly stated that is only for the sake of comedy and not the actual belief of the comedian, is it wrong?
If someone makes a racist joke or a joke using a stereotype is it wrong? If clearly stated that is only for the sake of comedy and not the actual belief of the comedian, is it wrong?

Cool cuz I know a ton of people who make really funny racist jokes but I know they're not actually racist so I'm cool with it
on July 08, 2014

well as long as the people don't find it offensive, I guess it's fine, my friends like to make racist jokes all the time (I have one friend that is black (I don't really know if he is African American) he makes jokes about it all the time
on July 08, 2014

It may not be wrong as long as it is not too rude and if anyone is offended by it you apologize to them
on July 08, 2014
on July 08, 2014