Anime and Manga
This is a page for people who love or are interested in anime and manga or one of the (example just interested in anime) you can share your pics of drawing,sites or even movies or just Radom cool anime or manga pics

Welcome New Comers
on December 07, 2015

Hello, all! My name is Drake, for my real name, get to know me. I like a whole lot of anime and manga. So hello all. Also, love Vocaloids.
on November 23, 2015

I am :(( because no one pays attention to this page anymore
on November 20, 2015

What was the saddest death for you?
Manga: Petra Ral, it made me a lot sadder than her anime death since in the manga her death had no backstory at all, she was just straight up dead. However in the manga, her neck splitting against a tree had a story. Her death in the anime made me a bit... happy...
Manga: Petra Ral, it made me a lot sadder than her anime death since in the manga her death had no backstory at all, she was just straight up dead. However in the manga, her neck splitting against a tree had a story. Her death in the anime made me a bit... happy...
on August 26, 2015

Hey members and subscriber I created 3 new pages which are roll play based on a anime show which is sword art online here are the pages One is Sword Art Online 2nd Alfheim Online 3rd GunGale Online please subscribe or become a member SAO Lovers and play SAO some of you will get private message with gifts for being first and 2nd and 3rd hurry up and also have fun
on August 26, 2015 For dubbed lovers
Watch Anime in English Dubbed |
Watch Sword Art Online Season 2 Episode 20 English Dubbed, Sword Art Online Season 2 Episode 20 English Dubbed, Sword Art Online Season 2 Episode 20 English Dubbed.
on August 25, 2015

anyone watch ( almost done season 2 no spoilers)

on August 25, 2015 (it's like star wars, lotr and transformers)
on August 25, 2015
on August 25, 2015

Does anyone read/watch Magi?

on August 25, 2015

I want to know if anyone reads or watches the manga/anime Magi.
on August 25, 2015
on August 25, 2015

Also members who ever wants join as a member plz say yes or refusing and accepting request will be removed as your privilege
on August 25, 2015

on August 25, 2015

I prefer manga over anime. :>
on August 25, 2015

What is your favourite anime? Comment below!
on August 25, 2015

Guys plz ask your anime lovers or manga followers to come an join I am
on August 25, 2015

Hay guys if you subscribed please request to join as a member this group and members plz don't kick other members if you do I will kick the person who is doing it
on August 25, 2015