Animal Jam News Page
So this is kinda like a blogish type of thing. So this page is to keep up with the latest AJ stuff.

Put a :) emoji if u are a member. Put a <3 emoji if u are nonmember.

:) and <3 (not really sure if im a member)
on January 02, 2016

on July 27, 2015

Smiley if u a member or heart if u not a member
on July 27, 2015

on July 26, 2015
on July 26, 2015

If you wanna play aj on the go, there's a mobile version now! It's called Play Wild.
on July 16, 2015

There are new pet peacocks! Pick yours up at the diamond shop today!
on July 15, 2015

Oh! Hear about the new chat? Members only, btw. U can chat with buddies!
on July 11, 2015

Try this experiment:
Go on an adventure with some one. Then get the last item to end the adventure. Make up something silly to do and wait to see how long it takes for the other person to leave. (It took 15 minutes for me.)
Go on an adventure with some one. Then get the last item to end the adventure. Make up something silly to do and wait to see how long it takes for the other person to leave. (It took 15 minutes for me.)
on July 02, 2015

What Animal on AJ? (Btw I am a wolf)

I have almost every animal, but I'm usually an arctic wolf, owl, eagle, otter, or fox.
on July 01, 2015
on July 01, 2015

The new pet voting has started! Which one do you want: Peacock? Armadillo? Elephant?
on July 01, 2015

If you would like to be a reporter then just request membership with your username.
on July 01, 2015

on July 01, 2015

on July 01, 2015