Stupid questions answered here
Ok so if you have a question, no matter how dumb you think it is, ask it here and me or another qfeaster will answer.
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Was god once a demon that looked like a magical potato that pooped out unicorns, peed out candy corns, is naked during the winter and fully clothed in the summer?
Sorry if I offended any Christians
Sorry if I offended any Christians
on September 30, 2016

Am I secretly a drug?
(I am according to my boyfriend's sister XD)
(I am according to my boyfriend's sister XD)
on September 30, 2016

what does air taste like?
on September 30, 2016

This might be a really really incredibly stupid question but...
Is it ok to think that when other people love you or have feelings for you or whatever, that it's fake and they don't mean it? Like their love for you is fake? Their just pretending?
Is it ok to think that when other people love you or have feelings for you or whatever, that it's fake and they don't mean it? Like their love for you is fake? Their just pretending?
on September 16, 2016

What do stars taste like?
on September 16, 2016

on September 16, 2016

Can cats fly?
on September 16, 2016

Why won't Link take his goddamn medicine?
on September 16, 2016

why am I me?

on September 16, 2016
on September 16, 2016

why do I like the taste of blood

on September 23, 2016
on September 16, 2016

How did our soul get into our body?
on September 16, 2016

am I allowed to make my own... um... sexuality? >facepalms< none of the currently existing ones rly apply to me.
on September 16, 2016

what is a cat?

I'm just kidding ;3 A very special friend/animal that is one or the gifts god brought to us..
on September 16, 2016

a cat is a creation of god, one that Jesus actually showed surprising (for his time) affection for. a cat is also one of the only vertebrae without a collarbone
on September 16, 2016
on September 16, 2016

What is the meaning of life? Why are we, us humans, here on this planet? What purpose do we have?
on September 16, 2016

How are babies made
on September 16, 2016

Ok so in the chinese version of supernatural do they make soy sauce circles instead of salt circles?
on September 16, 2016