Dumb things you used to believe
Dumb things you used to believe in like how the entire world was black and white when your parents were kids because TV didn't have color
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That the man in the moon was my guardian angel which is why it would follow me in the car XD
on September 04, 2016

That transphobic meant 'fear of trains'
on September 04, 2016

After watching a few Sci-fi horror themed movies...in preparation for an alien invasion of somesort...I used to place my blanket firmly over the lower middle part of my face...believe that comfort of blanket would stop them...that somewhat still lingers (the action of the blanket placement) as a result of over ten years of doing that...
on September 04, 2016

on September 04, 2016

on September 04, 2016

That the moon was made out of cheese when I was little and before I knew it actually wasn't.
on September 04, 2016

on September 04, 2016

on September 04, 2016

I used to believe there was such things as Green eyed werewolfs.

Wait what!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! My fears are back! *hides under bed* @Female_Mike_Schmidt_and_Freddy_Fazbear
on September 05, 2016
on September 04, 2016

on September 04, 2016